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vote for monday couple ...The Best Couple 2013


KEEP VOTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!<3<3<3<3<3<3<3

"anyeonghaseyo, gary ssi....".

Its ji hyo's manager unnie....

Ji hyo's manager was so surprised that gary is in the house.....

"ah!unnie,you come so early....."ji hyo said.

"wae?you hope that i never come right?"ji hyo's manager laugh while saying.

"are you kidding?unnie....what are you thinking about?"ji hyo...

"you're so funny....please come in...."gary said.

" two just like newlywed,inviting guest come in"ji hyo's manager..

"keu reu?yeo bo...are you ready the foods for the guest ?"gary joking..

"Yah!kang gary!what are you saying?"ji hyo

"you two really cute~"ji hyo's manager.

"kamsahamidah"gary bow 90 degree.

they walk into the kitchen..."Do you want to eat together?"he ask ji hyo's manager...

"never mind,i ate already just  now...ji hyo,after eating tell me,i wait you at car...ok?"

"araso..."ji hyo said...and her manager go out from the house....

"ji hyo ah~let's eat...."gary said.

while eating,"ji hyo ah,your manager is so funny and so cute.."

"bo?!cute?keu reu....manager.....cute......unnie.........cute......."ji hyo said with a cold tone.

"owh~ji hyo ,do you smell something?"gary smiled.

"bo?ob seo(no)....i dont know....."ji hyo 

"ob seo?but...why i smell like vinegar?like someone is jealousing?"gary said.(am i jealous?owh~stress)ji hyo's mind

"who?me?!"...."when i jealous?!"ji hyo suddenly louder her voice...

"why suddenly talk so loud?!i,m just kidding..."gary laughed.

"not.....i,m just......what....Yah!just eat!"ji hyo answer..

"not i dont just......"gary said

"wae?.......AH!right!how is your hand?still hurt?are you alright?huh?"ji hyo asked.

"ji hyo,you ask so many can  i answer you all.....i,m alright"Gary said.

"then,if you cant take the chopstick...then eat the sandwich....."she quickly open the wrapper of the sandwich and give him..

"gumowo~but........ji hyo ah.................just now........are you jealous?haha?"gary joking

"ob seo!ob seo!ob seo!"

"i,m just kidding,of course you are the most cute girl in the world..."

"oppa,did you eat honey just now?why you talking tone so sweet?making me want to vommit(joking)...."ji hyo joking...

"i didnt eat honey...i,m just saying the truth..."

"araso"she said it with embressed face.

ji hyo phone suddenlly ring.....

"ji hyo,which guy find you?huh?"gary said.

"its not a guy ,it just manager unnie message...."

"ah~keu reu?mianhe..."gary with a relax face....

 "wae?your manager unnie asking you to go now?"

To:ji hyo

            ji hyo, mianhe, unnie have something to do,need to go back company can you ask your monday                         boyfriend to fetch you?^^

                                                                                                                                                                                 From:manager unnie

"no....unnie need to back to company.....oppa,you dont have scedule right?"ji hyo said

"araso.....i fetch you....."

"owh.....kang gary....i,m not even already know what i,m thinking....owh kang gary....."

"of course~who am i?i,m your monday boy friend..."

"keu,should we go now?"ji hyo asked.

"alright,lets go...."gary said.

In the car.............

"ji hyo ,can i ask you,what scedule are u doing later?"

"its photoshoot..."


"oppa,thank you for the meal just now."

"its ok....the important thing you eat well"

Arriving filming place........

"alright...we are arrived...."


"ji hyo when you finish call me ....i come fetch you....."

"alright"when ji hyo opened the door..she is ready to going out...

suddenly,gary pulled back her hand....this time ji hyo did not push his hand off.....

"wae,oppa?"ji hyo with suprised face...

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