Chapter 5

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" Today we will be learning about your trials," Jerry told us. " The first thing you should know is the name of the trials, they are called The Trials of Satan, and they consist of six sections. One section has two checkpoints, and the checkpoints are five miles apart. The sections will block out five of your senses." "Wait, did you say five senses? As in out of six senses?" I ask, we only have five senses, right? " Yes, I said five out of six, you four have six senses, not five, now please do not interrupt me ever again, that is if you want to survive the trials," Jerry says, his voice is cold, and he looks around to see if anyone wanted to ask anything, but no one does. " Good, so as I was saying, the trials are five miles long and five miles wide, they are set up like a maze, and they have monsters in them, but do not worry, if you make it to the checkpoint before the sign, you will not encounter any monsters. What will the sign be you might ask? Well, that is easy, you will know for yourself." He looks at us and smiles. " You will be given a guideline for each section. Well, that is all the information I can give you, so good luck tomorrow." He smiles and beckons us to follow him back to the dorm, and so we do.

Back at the dorm, we are all practicing, then Max says, " Guys I'm scared, I just want Dan back, I just want to leave this place. I don't want to ... to do any trials." He's crying, and we stop what we are doing to go over to him. " Max, we all want to leave, we all want our brothers and sisters back, and I know none of you want to do the trials, but right now we all need to be brave, for Dan, for Lily, for Maya, and for Jake," Josh says, and he goes up to Max and hugs him. Finn walks over and wipes the tears off Max's face. "Dude, it's going to be alright." Finn gives him a warm smile. And I know exactly what will cheer Max right up, so I summon a flame in my hand, they turn their heads towards me, looking rather confused, but I ignore that, and make the flame into a ball. And when it gets big enough, I through it in the air, and just like I planned, it exploded, and little fire flakes shined around all of us. " I know you are brave, Max, and I know that we are all scared, but we can do anything, Josh you can literally move mountains, Finn you can cross, and carry, oceans, and Max, you can face tornados, stop hurricanes, and lift hearts." I say, " and you, Lucas, can do the best of all of us, you can warm hearts, and you have this burning desire to help." Max says, and we all hug, then and there.

So that night, I try to get as much sleep as possible. And when we hear a loud bell, we all know what is happening next. " Hello Entities, today is the day!" we hear Jerry say, so we get up, but before we get our clothes on Jerry hands us black jumpsuits and tells us to put them on instead, and so we do. " Good, now follow me." Jerry beckons us.

Jerry led us down a couple of hallways, to a large elevator. And when we approach, it opens. We get in, and Jerry presses the bottom button, and the elevator goes down fast. I grasp on to the handrail, and so does Max and Finn, but strangely not Josh. When we get to the level, Jerry led us out, and then he said, " Welcome to the gates of Satan." I am as stiff as a board, there are doors that must be ten miles high. " Now you will wait here, I am going to the control room, ... oh you will not be able to see, hear, taste, smell, or feel in a few minutes, so be prepared. We all stare at each other.

It must have been five minutes, we were just sitting there, just waiting for it to happen. And then it did, everything went black, I couldn't hear, see, smell, taste, or feel anything. So I just sat there, I think. And it felt like I was just sitting there for ages until I could see, hear, and feel. I looked around, we were in a different room, but nothing was in it except us, and then a voice said " Entities, you are about to begin your first trial, and in this section, you will only be able to see. So good luck." and then my hearing was gone, and I could not feel. I looked at Josh, Max, and Finn, and they looked back. All of a sudden, a door opened, revealing what I knew to be the maze thing we had to do, so I looked at them and mouthed, let's go, and they followed me out. When we got out, I looked around. There was a strange red colored rock floor and pure steel walls that went up as far as I could see. But then I remembered that we have limited time to get to each checkpoint, so I turned to them, and said in sign language " come on, we need to get to the checkpoint before the sign, so I vote we go that way." I didn't know where I learned sign language, but I think they understood what I said, " ok Lucas." Max signed to me, and we were moving.  

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