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"Hey, I bet you can't catch me, Max!" Maya yells. I turn to see Max and Maya chasing each other. " Hey, can I join this game of tag?" asks Josh. " And me!" says Lily. " Of course you can!" Max says with a huge smile. I laugh. Max is always so happy and positive. " Hey Finn and Jake, do you want to play?" yells Maya. Finn smiles and shrugs, and Jake nods. Then Maya looks at me. " Hey, what about you Lucas?" I say no and she shrugs and runs off to play. We are all orphans, and we live in a house in the countryside, and the best part is that we built the house all by ourselves. All of a sudden there is a bang, and everything goes dark, and a voice in the darkness says -

There will be four, one of fire, one of air, one of earth, and one of water. Together they will pass the Trials of Satan, and stop the TIDE from destroying the world.  

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