Chapter 2

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I looked around me and I saw the familiar house that I always see, so I go to wake up Maya, and she is gone. " Maya!" I yell, but I hear nothing. And then it hits me, what that guy said. " Code Z took my sister away!" I say out loud. I start to panic when I see a note. And I go over to read it, and it says-

We have Maya, and if you want her back you need to come to come to the Chicago docks at 2:00 pm tomorrow, there we will be flying to Minnesota to start your trials. And if you are not there we will kill her and leave the body at your doorstep, and maybe tell the government where you are and that you are a criminal. So what will it be? I hope to see you again Lucas.

I read it over and over thinking that this can't be happening, I am going to get Maya back, and there is nothing going to stop me.

I am at the docks, and it is 1:58 pm, and I would be lying to say I was not scared because I am scared out of my skin. My thoughts are interrupted by the sound of a helicopter landing, and I see two men walking my way " Lucas, so glad you could make it, I almost thought that you wouldn't." right .said the man right. But I don't care what they say, so I yell back at him, " Where is Maya?" but the man just smiles and beckons me to come, and with Maya on the line I cannot say no. So I get into the helicopter and we take off.

When we are about there the man says that he needs to sedate me, and I whip around and yell. " What do you need to sedate me for?" but I was too late, the guy stuck a needle in my arm, pressed the thing and pulled it out in about three seconds, and I swear a little bit, and I try to stay awake, but everything is starting to go black and fuzzy. And then I pass out

When I wake up I am in a dark room, I look around and see four beds, a toilet, and a sink. " Hey, guys," someone said " He is awake!" and three boys crowd around me. " Hi, my name is Max!" says the short brown haired one. " Hello, my name is Josh." says the taller auburn haired one. " And my name is Finn." says the more middle height one with blond hair. " You must be Lucas, we heard about you when the T.I.D.E agent visited us in our dreams," said Max. " Wow, you have the darkest brown hair I have ever seen." "Um, Max, that is black hair, not brown," said Josh. " Really... oh, COOL!" said Max. "Wow," I say, " so this is all real. Well then, do any of you know where Maya is?" They look at me with confusion. " Um, no, was she the one they took from you?" asked Max, " Because we all had someone taken from us too, they took my little brother Dan from me." and for the first time since I met Max I saw him frown. " Oh come on Max, we will find everyone and get out of here, and just so you know Lucas, I had my little brother taken. His name was Jake," said Finn. " And I lost my little sister Lily," said Josh. wow so I'm not alone, I guess I will help them find their family. Then all of a sudden, a voice yells, " Lights out Entities. Tomorrow is a busy day." " Well, we best get to bed," said Josh, and everyone agrees.

After a while of laying on the bed I finally go to sleep, only to be woken up by Max. " Lucas, wake up!" He keeps poking me until I cannot pretend to be asleep anymore. " What do you want Max?" My temper is starting to rise. " Well, I was thinking, and thinking on ... well you know, how we can get out of here and save all them, oh and I thought we could call all the ones who were taken, THE TAKEN, " Max says, adding dramatic effect to the last words, and before he starts talking again a bell echos through the dorm, waking Josh and Finn. "What, I'm up, I am up," said Josh, clearly not ready to wake up, and Finn is no better. While we are all getting dressed a door thing opens and a strange light filled the room and a man walks in. "Good morning Entities, I hope you are ready for today's lessons." " Lessons?" we all say with confusion. " Yes, you will have lessons on how you can channel your magic, or you won't last five minutes in the trials." "Magic?" I say "Magic!" Max says with the happiest smile there ever was. Josh and Finn look as puzzled as I am. So we finish getting dressed and follow the man.

The man leads us down a few hallways and into a room with four pictures, Fire, Water, Rock, and Air. " Take a seat, good, now tell me, each of you, which picture draws you to it?" and I look at the pictures, and without thinking I stand up and move toward the wall and put my hand on fire and say " This draws my attention." and then Max walks up and put his hand on air and he says "And this draws my short attention span." He looks at me and smiles. Then Josh puts his hand on Rock and says " This is what catches my eye." and then we look at Finn, but when I see him, I am a little shocked to see that he is crying. He walks to water, touches the picture, and nods. The man looks satisfied. " Good, good," he says. " Now that you know what your element is, we can try to summon it." great now can we hurry up so we can do these trials so I can have my sister back  "How are we going to summon elements?" I ask. "Well," said the man, " that is why I am here to help teach you."

After a couple of hours all I can summon is a small flame, but the guy looks happy. Max is just making a small wind, Josh got a few pebbles, and Finn has a small droplet. In the dorm we all practice some more, then Max starts talking. " Um, Finn, why were you crying?" Josh and I turn to see Finn looking as if he was going to kill Max. " Why do you care!" he yells at Max, his icy blue eyes staring into his soul, and Max replies, " Because you are my friend, and I care about you." Max looks like he might cry. That's when Josh steps in. " Max, try not to get into other people's business, and Finn, Max was just trying to be nice, so try not to kill him." "But that's just it, all he does is be nice, why?" Finn yells. " We are prisoners, how can you be so nice, so positive when everything has been taken away from you. HOW!?" but Max goes up to Finn and hugs him, and Finn doesn't fight it. " If I was always negative, I would have died years ago. So I try to see the positive in everything and everyone." Max is crying now, and so is Finn. to be honest, I feel like crying too, and I think Josh does too, so I go up to them and hug them, and Josh joins us. We just stand there, hugging and crying. " We are going to get through this, but we have to do this together." I say and it feels like the right thing to say.  

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