It Won't Change

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The things that you do , I do it back to you.

The things you say, I say it back to you.

Now that you feel the way I do,

You see what happens when I pull a you on you.

My heart went through so much pain,

You don't care about making mentally insane,

Why is that I should even try to remain?

I wish you didn't mean so much to me,

Its very clear we are no longer meant to be.

A tomb of my old self shot down,

I can't help but walk around with a permanent frown.

My soul disregarded and lost,

All for what cost?

You hurt me with heartaches,

Being the only one who pushes through with headaches.

What is even the point of this anymore?

You harm me more than help me futhermore.

My persona gone and dead,

But it was you who could detour it from where it lead.

You get upset when you're the one killed me inside and out,

Always playing victim , walking around with a pout.

Burying myself at my own funeral,

Hoping when i'm reborn, my soul can paint a mural.

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