Chapter Sixteen

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             I reunited with my bed and fell asleep again because I had nothing to do for the day. The sleep enticed me, baiting me until I yielded. "Just 30 minutes and I'll be awake and doing stuff." I said to myself sounding incredibly unconvincing. I groggily rolled over and looked up, the sun was still out so I couldn't have overslept too long. Or so I thought, my phone vibrated in my pocket. I pulled it out and what I saw rocked me like a hurricane. No it wasn't the fact that I had 3894 messages from 30 chats, but it was the fact that today was a new day. To be fair I didn't initially believe it because sometimes it has the wrong time and date but nothing too serious. It only hit me that I wasn't home in my house but on the roof of a building. ('Panic ensues internally')

       Why was I on the roof of my school.... On a Monday. But what worried me the most is that Void lay beside and it felt warm like it had been used recently. I started to think maybe I have superhero flu where I sneeze and teleport to a different location. (Look I know it sounds stupid but these things happen. You wouldn't know about it because you're not a macho superhero like moi so shush.) This was indeed something strange but I brushed it aside as I made my way down from the roof. On the way down I decided to check my 3894 messages hoping that one would be from..... Anyway. The one that stood out to me was the message from Akira because she told she was having a get together at her house and if my time was correct it was in an hour. As usual I got the 1 minute before everything started because I went home to bathe and change. Akira and I hugged forever as we normally do before she started to tell me a joke. As we walked she told me she wanted to talk about something serious so we went on the roof of her house. "Nico I feel something different in the earth, I feel like something is missing." She said stroking the leaves of the mango tree that hung over her house, "I feel like the harmony is messed up"

    Normally I would make a pun and say that she felt the Zen was off but the gravity in her voice meant that this wasn't the time for it. "I didn't want to tell anyone else yet because I thought maybe I was overreacting and today is just a weird day." She said staring at the horizon. "If there's any danger you know we can beat it." I reassured her, although I didn't fully believe it myself. We headed back downstairs and rejoined everyone else to get the party started. The party was amazing, simply because it was all of my friends and that's the best a party could get. We watched movies at the side of the house with a sheet and a projector as we lay in empty inflatable pools. We played football, we danced and we sang. We continued the fun as we slept over at Akira's house because we were all too tired to drive or even walk anywhere. We played board games for the rest of the night until everyone fell asleep. Everyone but me because insomnia and Akira because she's normally always up at this time. "I have something I think I should tell you." I said to her. She nodded and headed to the roof. By the time I got there she was already in her favorite spot under her tree.

      I told her about the voice and the alcohol and Void and what I think caused the disharmony that she felt. She sat there and listened as I spoke about my moments of weakness and when I was done I sat in silence, waiting. I expected her to yell at me for being so stupid, even hit me or push off the roof. What I wasn't expecting was for her to hug me as tight as she did. "Why didn't you come to me earlier? You know you can come to me about everything and anything." She said hugging me tightly. A feeling of relief washed over me knowing that I wasn't in this alone. "Let me see if I could read your aura and tell you if what you think is correct." She said placing her hand on my chest. "You're still pure as far as I can feel." She said, "Maybe there's another reason for the disharmony." We just lay on the roof and sang till the sun came up because who needs sleep anyway. It turns out Akira did because she fell asleep as soon as the sun rose. I couldn't leave her there and I didn't want to disturb her sleep so I just sat next to her and planned football tactics in my head.

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