Chapter Six

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A zombie had just broken through the wall of the scout room. I rubbed my eyes myriads of times and pinched myself to make sure I wasn't hallucinating or dreaming. This was definitely real, or so I thought until the zombie growled and I translated, "We only want girl, you not needed here" Firstly I got rejected by a zombie and secondly I could understand zombie and the last time I checked multilingualism wasn't one or my powers so clearly this was a dream but obviously not mine. "Irene, it's just a dream you can control it" I told her encouragingly. Her reply was less stellar than I'd hoped for. "Well I called for a superhero and got you instead so something must be wrong with me" She replied her words imprisoning me in an arctic snare. Ouch, that hurt but that left me with two choices, Ceteris Paribus (Mr Ruddy sure had a way of ensuring economics sticks with it somehow. I could take myself out the dream and leave her to the zombie, which seemed like a bad thing to do, or I could do my civic duty as a superhero and save her. I snapped my fingers transforming into Façade although I felt weaker somehow I stood fearlessly between her and the zombie. "You're Façade? Hilarious, this really must be a dream" she said her sarcasm sapping my motivation, maybe leaving her wasn't such a bad idea. "I take back everything I've said about Façade, he's no where as great as I thought he was, as a matter of fact he's -" she continued before I cut her off, "Thank you J Jonah Jameson, how about you go tell New York City how much of a menace I am" I interjected shutting her up. The zombie charged at me at alarming speed shouting "Die!!!!" I shot beams of energy at him but he dodged them all seemingly with ease, this definitely wasn't your average zombie. Whoever sent it must be pretty powerful which is not good news for me. "I don't mean to be a Bossy Barbara...... But this is your dream so like could you do something" I said trying my best to sound like Ned Flanders. An eruption of vines ensnared the zombie as she scoffed at me, "Happy?" she said glaring at me. "Not very" I replied hinting to her that the vines were now decaying, "But don't worry I have a plan"

"You want her so bad then fine take her" I shouted before blasting Irene with a geyser of energy knocking her out immediately. I scooped her body off the floor placing her unconscious body in the zombie's arm. "Thanks" he grunted before disappearing in front of my eyes. I waited to make sure he was really gone then I yelled "You can come out now* as Irene crawled out from under the table. "I'm surprised, that was actually a good plan, didn't think you'd be able to come up with one of those" she said snidely. (I bet you're really confused right now so let me get you up to speed. Before I blasted Irene with energy I asked her to form the vines in her image and get under the table while I used my powers to make it seem like that was the real her. It was truly a test of my powers as I had to create two façades and shoot the m energy but in the end I pulled it off.) "I'm starting to think I should've left you to the zombie but he hasn't done anything to deserve such a punishment" I replied and before she could say anything I snapped my fingers, wiping her memory of who Façade is and ejecting both of us from her dreams. When I jumped up I was in the scout room it was quarter to six in the morning, Nathaniel was fast asleep on the bench opposite me. I checked the time again, it was 6:45 am...... Monday morning which means I've been asleep since Friday. "How could this be?" I asked myself "I remember playing against the Grizzly's on Saturday and scoring a header." I checked my phone and it confirmed that I did play and score that header. I pinched myself to make sure I was really awake and I felt nothing. Something was very wrong. "Indeed something is wrong" a high voice reminiscent of Him from the Powerpuff Girls replied as if reading my thoughts.

I scanned the direction from which the voice came from but to no avail. "Looking for me?" said the voice this time from a different part of room." Nathaniel, get up." I said across the table hoping he had heard me. He sat up looking like a bear waking up from hibernation too early but his face changed when I mentally explained the situation to him. He looked at me and said thankfully you were the last person I copied when we were training. (Let me explain Nathaniel is literally one of the most powerful superheroes to ever exist...... Well he has the potential to be. To villains he is known as Carbon but to me and my other hero friends he's known as Cc short for Carbon copy. His power is the copy and use the power or ability last used against him, but he could only use one at a time and they are temporary as well as he gains a, negative trait of the person that he copied. I'm training him to use his powers better but so far that's what it's like.) "Which power do you have?" I asked through our mind link. *Sigh, the imagination one" he replied in my mind, I didn't even ask which negative trait he got because from his reply alone I realized it was my pessimism. I was about to use my powers but a thought hit me, nobody knows Nico Santiago is Façade nor does anyone know that Nathaniel is Carbon, so using our powers may not be the smartest idea. "Who are you and what do you want with me?" I shouted trying to make myself sound scared. "You are of no use to me but your friend summoned you in her dreams to save her" said the disembodied voice. In my mind panic was etched across every fiber of my body, but with great difficulty I managed to keep a straight face. "Then Façade appeared" continued the voice with a hint of disgust at the mention of Façade, "Which means you know who he is and how to find him." My look of feigned fear turned into a genuine smirk of arrogance. "He's gonna destroy you" I said with a smile plastered across my face. "Lovely, looking forward to it" said the voice "Next time you see give him a message for me." With cockiness rampant in my tone I replied "What?" The atmosphere changed as the voice became more menacing and maniacal as it replied "Tell him that Jack the Ripper doesn't like secrets and having his toys taken away, especially his new ones. But in the end Jack............ Always......... Gets his prey...... Sweet dreams."

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