Chapter Nine

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Emotions rocked my body as purple flames illuminated the utter devastation on my face. I could hear Ariel running behind me, calling my name but I ignored her. Rage began to strangle me as I could myself losing control. And then.......... Bang, the last thing I remember seeing was a pair of headlights. "I'm dead." I thought to myself, " I'm dead, I got hit by a car and died and my last living memory was my girlfriend cheating on me. Despair must be dying with laughter in his cell." I would've allowed myself to fall into a deep depression had it not been for - "Nico!!!! Nico, wake up" shouted Angellee, "Nico Raphael Angèl Santiago, if you die and leave me here with these idiots, I swear I will find a way to bring you back and murder you myself!!!!" My eyes shot open as I roared with laughter before being submerged in a family sandwich. "Yay, I'm not dead!" I thought to myself as I remained trapped in a loving embrace, "But my girlfriend still cheated on me...... sooooooooooooooooooooooo there's that." A hard slap across the face broke me out of my reverie, "If you ever scare me like that again the next vehicle to hit you will be mine!!!!" yelled Angellee again. "I love you too." I replied as she calmed down a bit, "I have to tell y'all how I got hit." Ensuring that nobody but us was in the room and the doctors were out of range, I used my powers to show them exactly what happened. "That conniving cow, where is she? I'll destroy her" yelled Angellee as she started heading towards the door but was held back by Ethan. Angellee sat pouting in the corner mumbling things like "Slut" or "Adulterous wench" before she eventually calmed down. "Bro, bro" shouted Ethan, "We need a boys lime, later at my house, PlayStation and chill. I already asked and you're being discharged today." I only had time to nod before the nurses chased away my adoring entourage saying that I needed rest.Four hours of feigned sleep and unwanted introspection later I was on my way to Ethan's house. Halfway to his house my phone rang, I was sorely disappointed to see it was Ariel. A half an hour of rejected phone calls later I arrived at Ethan's house. I was determined to make this afternoon as awesome as possible even if I had to fake it.

I most definitely did not have to fake anything, when I got inside it was like I died and went to nerd heaven. There was pizza and PlayStation games and Xbox games and Nintendo games and my bros.I was on a 36 game winning streak in Mortal Kombat until Daniel beat me after spamming Scorpion. We played football and basketball outside in the yard before playing it inside. We ate pizza at around 10pm and just relaxed the night away, it was honestly the best day ever. By the time I got home the next day I had forgotten all about Whatsherface. Before I dove into bed I ripped off all my bandages as my ribs healed due to my super durability as well my more than average healing. As my body hit the bed the emotions and memories hit me like a bus all over again. The purple flames cascaded down my face again as the seven stages of grief make a race track of my emotions. I plunged myself into my mind to find Celestia in tears and surprisingly Khalil was consoling her."I'm so sorry Nico" she said, tears masking her face, " I really thought she was the one for us." I hugged her tightly and said,"Don't blame yourself, it's not your fault. We'll be alright." Even Khalil joined in the hug to comfort her."I started writing something, you should finish it" said Celestia, thrusting a piece of paper and a pen into my hand, "We're already at the beach, hidden from everyone but those who know you're Façade." I detached myself from my mind and stared at my surroundings. I sat on the black sands of a beautiful beach with the paper Celestia gave me still clutched in my hand. I read the words on the page and began writing, the silence helping to etch the words onto the page. I sat there for hours, searching for the perfect words to describe how we felt. When night fell I lay on the waters edge listening to music and dreaming the words I longed to say. By the time I awoke the words burned on my tongue as my pen scorched the page rampant with burning emotions. When I was finished I knew that it was perfect, the emotions poured out of the page as I read.

You put my heart back together stitch by stitch, you were the Cesc Fàbregas to my Nemanja Matic
We made it through everything of that I'm sure, never have Ii loved someone like you before
Over time we transcended from being best friends, to being what Ii thought meant together till the end
Or at least until 3005 to be fair, maybe it was just me but it seemed that we were halfway there
I'm sorry that Ii sometimes made you jealous but you made me too, even though we both knew the only one Ii loved was you
Ii think if my body had allowed me...... Ii probably would've cried, all those times Ii prayed for the magic to survive..... Now it has finally died
You were more than perfection to me and Ii thought Ii was to you seems Ii was wrong, my nonexistent heart shatters every time Ii hear that song
When we got together Ii honestly never felt so lucky....., it was amazing but then again throughout my life........ My luck has been pretty sucky
We were supposed to impenetrable, unstoppable, the inseparable team........ Why does that seem like it was just a dream
And the thing is Ii never loved you because of what you had but simply because of who you were, Ii still remember how cute you sound saying grrrr
Sigh..... Ii thought you were my superhero the one who'd save my life, Ii guess deep down Ii honestly hoped to make you my wife
Ii thought after the last time that Ii should just stop feeling, because it's easier to not have them than have them hurt in revealing
I'd continuously keep trying but Ii don't want to lose you for good, you're forcing me to move on but......... Ii don't know if Ii could
Ii really don't understand...... If love is such a beautiful thing then why does this hurt so bad, but Ii guess instead of toting and feeling sad.... I'll just be grateful for what Ii had
It was like a club transfer it seems like you're homesick, wow I really can't believe that forever came and went that quick.
Really can't believe I didn't see this coming.....How could I have been so blind, I really can't comprehend what went on in my mind
You said I was unique, that I was different, that I was the only exception, I gave you all my love and in return I got neglection
I guess that it's really true what they say.......... A girlfriend is like the rain, You can beg for them to come but you can't make them stay
I guess you were really never meant to be mine........... Should've listen to advice and all the blatant warning signs
I've been told numerous times that love can be evil, now I finally understand.......... Was this accident coincidental or was it all planned?
Now I'll drink till I'm drunk and I'm so drunk I'm sober....................
Because I don't want to remember this, I'm so glad that it's over
Ii told you that Ii never wanted to be like the rest...... Ii always thought that my best was enough..... Or was this part of some test
We said we'll have each others' back for eternity...... But Ii guess it just wasn't meant to be
Who would've thought that infinity would just come to an end

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