Chapter 8

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Warren had to pull out of the tour and became a full time carer of Jen and the kids. Although he hadn’t worked during the days, Jen always did the school drop off and he’d done the school pick up, but now he had to do both. He also had to cook their dinner, do their homework, supervise baths and brushing teeth and look after Jen.

He went back to the doctor. ‘My son is very sick, he won’t get out of bed. He’s lost his will to live.’

The doctor scratched the eczema on his elbow, ‘oh, that can sometimes happen, in extreme cases. The love lost equals the amount of love that person felt for someone. He must have really loved that boy of his.’

‘But you didn’t warn me,’ Warren said.

‘There were all types of warnings on that sheet I gave you.’

‘There was no sheet.’

‘Oh, I must have forgotten to give you the sheet. There is so much administration these days, I’m more of an IT man than a doctor. Let me see, it’s in the files somewhere, I just needed to have printed it off.’

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