It Could Have Been Better

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I fell asleep on another blanket, but I was still bleeding. I hadn't been fed in a while, and I was starting to wonder if I ever would. Noises could be heard from outside the house, and the man can in. He seemed to be looking for something. That something was me. Our eyes locked and he seemed very mad. He was screaming, and of course I didn't understand it. He pulled away the blanket and continues to yell. I had gotten blood on the blanket.
He dragged me outside into the cold snow, and tied me to a pole. I had no shelter, and no food or water. He then left. I didn't have much fur, and I began shivering. It was beginning to grow dark.
I had never been so cold in my entire life. Everything was black and I could only see a streetlight in the distance. I couldn't feel my paws or ears. It was getting hard to breath.
At last, I felt warmth. I felt calm and comfortable. I saw a white light in the distance, and it was growing. The light filled me with warmth. I saw a dog shape inside the light. It looked like... Mom?
I called out to her. She smiled. "Come, my child. It's time we go home."
She had large white wings, and with one she covered me. The chain no longer restrained me. I walked with my mother without looking back. It was time to go home.

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