Home is Not Safe

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A week had passed. I was growing sicker by the day. I was far too weak to move and if I tried, I had a horrible limp. I overheard the people around my cage taking, and it didn't sound good.
"What are we going to do with that mangled puppy? He's turning customers away."
"We could throw him in the dumpster. Nobody would notice."
"Sounds good, unless someone wants him for free."
After that conversation, a big bulky man with lots of tattoos walked up to the glass.
"Do I get a discount for this one since it's broken?"
His grubby finger was directed at me.
"He's free," the employee replied, "if you want him."
I was taken out of the cage, which caused a great deal of pain. I howled and cried, but nobody seemed to care. I was placed in a tiny box. I could hear doors opening and feel cold air rushing in through the air holes. A car motor started, and we began moving.
Once again, I vomited due to motion sickness. I was so hungry, I lapped it all back up.
Soon the car stopped, and my box was flung into the floor. I heard my leg snap back into place, and I whelped. The box was flipped upside down and I was shaken onto the floor.
I slid onto the cold floor with my legs splayed in front of me. I looked up at my new owner. He looked disgusted with my existence. He kicked my side and I slid farther away. I attempted to crawl to the couch, which was very difficult with my broken leg. I made it to a blanket on the floor and slept.
I woke with a start as the warm blanket I was resting on flew from underneath me. There was loud screaming between two people, male and female. Things were being thrown through the air and I had to try to dodge many of them. I soon realized I was dodging a hand. I was too slow, and my feet hung limply in in the air as I was lifted by my scruff. I was shook back and forth, then smacked. I don't know what I did wrong. I was tossed to the woman, who hardly caught me. The man stormed out. I watched as the woman took out a wine bottle and filled a glass. She set me down and drank. I watched quietly, scared of what was going to happen next.
I was surprised to see her start crying. I wanted to comfort her. As I walked to her, she chucked the empty wine bottle at me. Glass broke all around me and cut my head and paws. Blood covered the floor, and I crawled away to tend to my wounds.

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