Chapter 19 pt 2

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To no ones surprise Melvin didn't come back to first period. Not even our teacher expected him to.

The rest of the day flew by, snack I stayed in to finish up some work. I had no other experiences with my brothers or any of my cousins.

Ronnie didn't even glance at me during third math when Damon was all over me again. I wasn't surprised, but after baring his soul and claiming he "loved" me he was awfully indifferent.


I always sit with my brothers at lunch, it was almost like a sacred tradition, snack we were separate but lunch we always came together.

I went to my locker at lunch and got my things for the next two periods. I was confused as to who I would be with at lunch, I'd never eaten with Damon before, I didn't really know how the not secret boyfriend thing worked.

I could eat with Ria's group but I didn't know how welcome I'd be with all that had happened with Mickey and Alex at the party. Lexi usually ate with us at lunch so I didn't know what would happen. I hadn't spoken to her all day and I didn't know what she would think or do.

I knew she and Melvin were definitely doing stuff together, it was obvious. I just didn't know where her loyalty would lie, with me or with Melvin.

Would she eat lunch with them? Would I care if she did?

I closed my locker and saw her approaching me.

"Hey," I smiled.

"Hey," She smiled back.


"Melvin told me what happened."

"And?" I was waiting for her response, it could either make or break our friendship.

"I think it's amazing Lyd, I think it's gonna be really good for you," She smiled, I sighed in relief and hugged her. She squeezed me tight and let go after a few seconds.

"Thanks," I smiled.

"He's really pissed though," She said nervously.



"Lexi don't start, I'm happy. I'm happy and they can just shut it." I knew at this point she was going to start nagging about it. She made clear her allegiance with me so now it was fair game she could pick at me all she wanted and it was out of "love".

"I'm not saying for them Lydia I couldn't care less about your brothers, I'm saying for you. You know how much you rely on them, can you handle not having their approval. I think you should at least talk to them, come up with a compromise. I'm 100% with you and Damon but I think you should still see how you can make it an easier transition for them."

"Lexi I don't want to be so reliant on them, this is good for me, I can live without my brothers, I'm not gonna be under their care forever, once I'm 18 I'm done, I'm out of here. And don't you think I've tried talking to them, tried getting their attention. They literally won't say a word to me. It's insane." It was frustrating having to explain myself to Lexi, she was just supposed to understand.

"I think they're expecting you to eat lunch with them." She said softly.

"How do you know?"

"Well when I said I'm gonna go find you at lunch Melvin looked surprised, like he didn't think we would be away at lunch." She explained.

"Hm," My thoughts were jumbled. Melvin expected me to be at lunch which meant they probably all did. Which meant they still thought they had me under their control. Or it meant they thought I would still honor tradition.

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