Chapter 10- Jacket

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La familia e tutto

My brothers words rang in my ears as I took a shower.  After I got the last of the droplets out of my hair I walked out and into my room.

I changed into a tank top and leggings. I darted into Marcus' room and looked for my favorite jacket of his. I rummaged through his closet and couldn't find it.

"What are you doing in my room?" Marcus barged in angrily, Theo followed him closely behind.

"Where's my jacket?" I questioned.

"You mean my jacket?" He said and shut his closet.

"Well yeah but the one that I like!"

"The one you steal all the time?"

"Yes if you must call it that." I folded my arms. Theo looked on in watchful amusement.

"I gave it to Lacey." He said shrugging his shoulders.

"You gave my jacket to Lacey? I'm going to kill you!" I yelled.

"What is wrong with you Lydia it's a jacket, and she's my girlfriend."

"I want that jacket back by next week Marcus or I will rip it off of her myself." I spit, I was so incredibly jealous I wasn't even trying to hide it. That was my favorite jacket of his, it was huge on me, and the hood covered my head completely so I felt safe and hidden in it.

"We're going to the mall right now I'll buy you a new one," he rolled his eyes, clearly not understanding.

"I don't want a new one I want my jacket." I said and opened Melvin's closet, grabbing a merely acceptable jacket from there.

I walked out and bounded down the stairs. Ready to get out of the house.

Melvin glanced at me, saw his jacket and rolled his eyes but said nothing.

"That's right my jacket," I muttered under my breath, every jacket the men in this house own is mine.

I opened the fridge and took out a pudding cup. I sat on the counter and waited for my brothers to come down.  Joseph walked in and snatched my pudding cup before I had a chance.


"I'm a growing boy," Joseph argued and I sighed and waited for the rest of them to come down.

It was Me, Marcus, Melvin, Joey, and the three of our cousins. We were taking two cars one with four of us, the other with three, at the moment the guys were deciding who was driving who.

"Me and George wanna go see a movie so can you guys drop us off before you go to the mall," Joey interrupted.

"What you're embarrassed to be around family?" Marcus accused, half joking.

"We just want to watch movie," Joe shouted with a mouthful of pudding.

"I'll take them, and then meet you guys at the mall," I suggested.

"Okay," Marcus agreed.

"You're gonna let her take them alone?" Melvin said, addressing me for the first time in a while.

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