Chapter 18- Family Matters

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I ignored a call from Melvin, followed up by a text,

Where are you?

I knew it was only a matter of minutes before they bombarded my phone with texts and calls, but I trusted my mother would handle it. 

"We're almost here," He said as I could see the ocean in the distance. I rolled down the windows and smelled the salty air. 

He pulled up to a small cafe on a street corner and parked. The beach was relatively empty, it was early january so the weather wasn't warm enough for many people. 

"Are you cold?" He asked when I got out of the car.

"No I'm okay, thanks." 

"You sure?" He said pulling out his jacket from the back seat.

"Yes," I rolled my eyes.

"I'm bringing it anyway." 

We sat outside on a little metal table, a perfect view to people watch. 

Once we ordered and the waitress left he looked at me,

"So, talk," He nodded his head. 

"Um, about last night," I started, my Tonelli blood making it next to impossible to swallow my pride in this moment, "I'm sorry."

"You brought me all the way here to talk about your guilt are you kidding me!?" 

"No no no I mean, I'm not sorry for what happened, the opposite honestly. I'm apologizing for how I handled it. I was being indecisive and I was giving you false hope and that was fucked up of me."

"So you want to end things for good?" He asked, looking down at his hands and not at me.

"Actually I want to see if we can s-start over." I muttered. 

His eyes lit up,


"Here is your hamburger, here is your chicken pesto panini," The waitress just had to interrupt at that moment. 

Once she left he let out a huge sigh, as if he'd been holding his breath the whole time.

"Start over as in get back together?"

"Yeah, I mean if you still want me," I suddenly felt so insecure, even though he had expressed both in action and words that he wanted me. 

"Lyd of course I still- What do you- how can you-" He couldn't get the phrase out fast enough it seemed as though his mind was churning out sentences before his mouth could catch up. 

I grabbed his hand, in an attempt to calm him and he settled down.

"Sorry I just- this took my by surprise is all. I thought this was going to go on very differently." He sighed and squeezed my hand, still  not looking into my eyes. 

"Please look at me," I said softly. He looked up and I was comforted by those warm brown eyes I adored for so long. 

"I just have to say this," He began, giving me his full attention, "I want to get back with you but what you said got me to thinking, I can't go on in secret anymore. I don't want you to be unhappy and I don't want to hide it, I don't think it's selfish of me to ask that of you. I know that is an issue with your family but I can't do that anymore." 

My heart nearly broke, he was saying that as if it had been on his mind for so long and I had no doubt it had. 

"I know it was unfair of me to ask that of you before Damon. I know that. That's why this time it's different. I'm gonna tell my family, and they can just deal with it." I shrugged.

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