And the Winner Is...

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My daughter, now thirteen, is a beautiful red head who doesn't fit in with the typical cliques of her age.  She's always had an independent style and sharp wit.  She's loving, respectful and polite.  And she speaks properly, (almost) always remembering 'please' and 'thank you.'

And she was bullied.  She was called so many names because of the colour of her hair.  She received abuse because of the way she acted, for being fat when she's actually quite slim.

My daughter is a delight.  She's funny.  She doesn't treat me as if I'm an alien or act like she's one.  She wants to succeed - she's wanted, for the past two years, to become a marine biologist.

She doesn't deserve to be bullied.  No-one does.

I wrote 'Daughter' for her.  I didn't address the specific type of bullying she was getting (and we had to move schools to try and combat) because the story didn't take me there.

I wanted to show that beauty is not just skin deep.  It can shine much brighter from within.

I always have a cuddle for my daughter - such as tonight when she received some upsetting news.  I can be strict, but it's because I want the very best for her.  She knows this.  She's my princess and I love her.

So, when I told her this story, had won the @BeautyAndTheBeastUK writing challenge, she was ecstatic.  It didn't matter to her that it was written for her or for what she went through.  It only mattered that her dad had won this amazing contest.

For me, winning is a wonderful compliment.  I was stunned to get the notification from Wattpad.  So excited.  The comments from you wonderful readers have been humbling, as have been all your fabulous votes.

For me, this is a tribute to my daughter.  She inspired the story, just as she did And the Meek Shall Walk and Wings, my story in the forthcoming Snow Anthology.  She continues, every day, to inspire me and ensures each day is a reason to smile.  Genuinely.

So, thank you everyone.  Thank you BeautyandtheBeastUK, this means SO much.

And thank you Meg.

DaughterTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon