Chapter Six

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Chapter Six

"This is the end. It's sad that you didn't put up much of a fight but then again you don't know who you really are and that's what made this so much easier." I tried to crawl away from him but I was in too much pain. I barely managed to move an inch and all I could think about was, I never really did much in my life. I've just gone to school, hung with my old friends, knew Ross for a short time, but I've never actually done anything. I didn't leave a mark, it would be as if I never existed. I was sure my mom would move on quickly, she was use to hurt. My old friends treat me like I never existed. And Ross, we didn't know each other that well so he would be able to live as if I've never entered his life.

Everything was happening so fast, I couldn't do a thing about it. My vision was already blurring and burning bright, as if I was looking at the light. But I couldn't tell if the person was harming me or this was my own fear trying to kill me. I could feel myself moving, I was sure they were holding me. Whoever this person was, was definitely going to end me. I could feel myself going numb, I wouldn't even know when the end would come, but maybe not feeling the end was a good thing.

I could hear someone calling my name, faintly ahead. I wish I knew who it was but there was no time to waste on figuring who they were. I should be focusing on getting a grip on reality but it wasn't working so well. The last thing I felt before everything became blank was my head against the ground.

*24 hours earlier*

I heard a ding at the door and figured it was the pizza guy. I opened the door and handed him the money as I took the pizza box. The guy left and I closed the door. I placed it on the counter and told my mom that it arrived. In a few minutes she came down from the stairs and took a slice. I already began eating my first slice. It was another quiet dinner, I barely talked to my mom. She knew not much was going on because I would usually tell her. We were closer before we moved but here, it felt like we were almost strangers, almost.

"What happened to that blond boy you were skating with?" my mother asked me as she threw her plate away after eating two slices. I looked down at my pizza and started picking at the pepperonis. I didn't really talk about Ross with my mom, like I said it was like we were strangers. I just couldn't tell her. Maybe I knew inside that my friendship with him wouldn't even last. Once again I was left questioning whether we really were friends.

"Haven't seen him since two days ago, so, I have no idea, and frankly, I don't really care." I ate the pepperoni I was picking at, then took a bite out of my pizza. I was almost done with my second slice and couldn't wait to go to my room. I didn't want to talk about Ross, or just talk to my mom in general. I wanted to be left alone, that was what I did best. Just me, my room, and my mind. It was sad, I admit, but the life I live here was sad.

My mom nodded, that was it, a nod. Then she went back up the stairs to her room, knowing I didn't want to talk anymore. She knew me well. But I was sure it was easy to tell that I didn't want to talk to anyone. So it was a shock when someone did talk to me at school. It was best that I was left alone and that Ross would leave, never speaking to me again. But why did I wish for him to appear so we could go skate or just talk? I didn't want to talk, or so I thought.

I gave in, sadly, and called Ross, but it went straight to voicemail. Should I be worrying? He didn't seem like the type to always have his phone, I actually barely saw him with it. The only time was when we exchanged numbers but after that it was like his phone disappeared.

I went up to my room, setting my phone aside, and sitting by my window again. I looked out at the night sky, only seeing a few stars out. I looked in front of my house, making sure no one was around. I feared that someone would show and watch me like before. I closed the curtain and moved to my bed, deciding to relax a bit. That relaxation turned into sleep and soon enough it was morning. It was the weekend, thankfully. I didn't have to face anyone and I could be on my own. I should've gone homeschooling, but I wasn't sure now if that was exactly what I wanted. It would've been better if I decided that from the start.

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