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I hardly knew my mother. I was taken from her when I was quite young. It was my 8 week birthday. I remember seeing her terrified face as large hands reached into our small enclosure. I was lifted away from my mother along with my sisters. We were placed into separate, smaller crates. I would never see my mom again. My feet finally felt relief from the wire floored we were forced to stand on.
As I was carried from the only home I knew, I could hear my mother calling out to her pups.
"Milo!" She called my name. "Gracie! Lucy! Marley!" I could hear her weakening voice as she struggled to call out to us.
I miss her voice. It was soft and comforting. I would never see her warm smile again. I would never be soothed by her voice.
My thoughts were interrupted by the loud engine of a truck starting. I noticed we were moving. After a few minutes, my breakfast was no longer in my stomach.
It had been two days. I was very hungry. So hungry, my vomit was starting to look appetizing. I ate it. I wasn't sure what I regretted more, eating my own vomit or not saving enough for later.
The entire trip took 3 days. I was covered in my own filth. Finally, the truck doors opened and I saw light. Was it over?

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