Lucas Dobre; You've Changed

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A/N; I personally like this one. girl power! don't let no guys bring you down;) Enjoy❤️

Your POV;
"Hey, I can't get to the phone right now. I'll call back when I see this" you heard over the phone.

You groaned as you shut off your phone. You had been calling Lucas for the past 10 minutes trying to get him to pick up. He hasn't been answering your texts or calls lately.

You and Lucas have been close friends since 10th grade, but that summer, Lucas experienced a huge glo up. He got taller, slimmer, and all around more attractive, which triggered his inner douchebag. He thought he was 'all that'. He started hanging out with the jocks, joined all the sports teams and started hooking up with tons of girls.

You hated this 'new' side of him. He stayed in contact with you for a bit, but by now, you were convinced he didn't give a shit about you anymore. He didn't say 'hi' to you in the halls or even look at you. He's changed and there was nothing you could do about it.

Unfortunately, you got paired with Lucas to do a history project that would be 20% of your grade. You were only trying to get a hold of him so you could get some support with the project. He still hasn't answered. The project would be due in two days so you had to work fast.

"Why me?" you asked yourself.

Your POV;
You walked down the halls of your school as you spotted Lucas, his arm around his new arm candy. Another girl he could sleep with, then get rid of just to make room for the next hoe. He honestly didn't even give a fuck. You rolled your eyes as you passed by the two laughing. Lucas was different. He was a monster. You would've never expected this.

You made your way to the library for your free period to work on your partnered assignment. You chuckled at yourself for even thinking it was a 'partnered' assignment when you were taking full responsibility.
You had texted Lucas earlier to see if he would be able to make it and help you, but obviously, he didn't reply.

You sat down at a table in the library and pulled out your laptop. You typed away and got lost in your work. This project was based on something you were really interested in. Soon enough you were finished. You let out a breath and laid back into the chair you were seated in. You were so relieved, a weight had been lifted off your shoulders. You were proud of yourself for being able to finish a two person job as a single individual.

You smiled to yourself as you packed your laptop in your bag as well as your books. You swung the straps around your shoulders, tucked in your chair and walked to the exit of the library.

You had a huge grin on your face as you exited the library to go home. Your smile was quickly ripped off of your face when you saw Lucas running down the hall towards the library trying to buckle his belt. You snickered as you saw him. He looked up and stopped right in his tracks when he saw you.

"Where you headed?" he asked you.

"Home," you said dryly.

"Aren't we going to work on the assignment?" he asked.

You laughed at his question.

"No 'we' aren't going to work on this assignment, because I already finished it. Thanks for the help Dobre, it was really appreciated" you said continuing to walk away.

"Y/n wait," he said.

"Seriously Lucas. What the hell do you want?" you said angrily.

"Give me a second chance please," he said.

You turned around to face him.

"Lucas, the assignments already finished, there's no need for a 'second chance'" you said air quoting those two words

"No. Not with the project. With our friendship" he said.

"Our friendship? What friendship? You've changed big time Lucas. I don't know if you've noticed but you're different. I don't know if it was the growth spurt, the new hairstyle or the attention, but you're not the 'Lucas' I know. The Lucas I know wouldn't go sleeping around with girls. He wouldn't be hanging out with the jocks. He would be studying with his best friend. Hanging out at home with his family. He would be the sweet kid that I shared my high school life with. I don't know who you are, but you're not Lucas. So please leave me the hell alone!" you said tears falling down your cheeks.

"Y/n, I'm sorry okay?" he said.

"Sorry won't cut it this time. I'll see you around" you said wiping your tears and exiting the building, leaving a heartbroken Lucas behind you.

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