Alissa Violet; Bully

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A/N; short but sweet imagine. Didn't know what else to write sorry, please forgive me. Enjoy

Your POV;
Another dreadful day. Day of living hell, another day to hate. A day of school with your bully Alissa Violet.

You and Alissa were best of friends a few years ago. You were so close and told each other everything.

Until one day, she just stopped talking to you. You thought it was just one of those days, but she never talked to you again.

She started making new friends and seeing new people. She began to hang with the wrong crowd and became a whole different person. It was like you couldn't even recognize her anymore. You loved her more than anything, maybe even as more than a friend, but you couldn't tell her that, so you kept it a secret.

She began to call you harsh names and harass you, you never really understood why. She really hated you and that's what led to the upcoming events of today.

You walked up to the school doors and took a deep breath preparing yourself for the events ahead. You walked in and quickly made your way to your locker with your head down.

You were almost there before you fell face first into the floor, dropping all your books. You looked up to see Alissa laughing at you.

"Haha, looks like little miss ugly took a little fall," she said dying of laughter while a crowd formed.

You quickly picked up your books and started to get up and walk away. Alissa grabbed you and turned you around.

"Where do you think you're going?" she asked you.

"To class, where else," you said quietly.

"Don't talk back to me bitch" she yelled at you.

She knocked your books out of your hands once again. That's it.


The bell rang you picked up your books and made your way to class leaving Alissa there shocked.

Alissa's POV;
The truth will eventually come out. I pushed her to her breaking point. I loved y/n. I could never admit it cause I thought she/he always viewed me as only a friend. I have to win her/him back for the sake of our relationship as friends or not.

Your POV;
It was the end of the day and the halls had just cleared. You were lucky enough to not make contact with Alissa. You quickly walked down the hall before you bumped into her. Just great.

"What do you want now?" you asked her.

"I wanted to apologize," she said.

You laughed at her.

"Are you joking right now? It's been two years, two fucking years Alissa! and now you decide to come back?" you said loudly.

"I'm sorry okay. I love you for God's sakes, more than a friend, I always did, but I was scared you didn't feel the same way. My anger and frustrations all built up and I decided to cope with it by bullying you" she said.

You were shocked. She really loved you.

"I feel the same way," you said.

Her eyes went wide with happiness.

"But it's gonna take some time to gain my trust again," you said.

"I understand," she said smiling.

You pulled her in for a hug before both of you began to cry.

"I've missed you," she said.

"I've missed you too" you replied.

Alissa worked harder than ever to gain your trust back, and eventually, she did.

After some time, it was like she never left. You both felt a very strong connection and after some time you got together as a couple.

You were the happiest with her and put the past behind the both of you. She loves you and you never doubted that once.

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