Alex Lange; Only One

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A/N; I don't know how I feel about this one. THANK YOU FOR OVER 3,000 READS!! I can't thank you guys enough, mwahhh. Enjoy my lovelies

Your POV;
It's been 1 year, 365 days since that awful day.


"y/n, I can't do this anymore," Alex said.

"What do you mean?" you asked.

"I think we should see other people," he said just above a whisper.

Tears brimmed in your eyes.

"There's someone else isn't there?" you asked.

"Look y/n, it's jus-"

"Whatever, it's fine, go be happy with whoever she is," you said cutting him off. "Goodbye," you continued as you walked out of the apartment.


Hot tears fell down your cheeks as you recalled that day. You still loved him. You tried to replace him. Going on dates here and there to forget. You met so many new people, but you knew deep down, they were all just rebounds.

Alex has been doing fine. He broke up with you for a new girl. Her name was Bailey. She was a beautiful girl, an actor, famous, and all around better than you. He would post with her all over his social media. They would be smiling, laughing, and looking all cute. He was obviously very happy. You understood why Alex left you, I mean she's gorgeous. You never thought your relationship would end this way, but there was no way to tell. The day after the breakup, you came home to an empty apartment, all Alex's stuff gone. You still live in that apartment. You would love to move out to help forget, but you had nowhere else to go. Alex tried to keep in touch with you. He would try and call you, text you, and even dm you, but you kept pushing him away. After a long time of trying to get in contact with you and you not responding, he just gave up. You haven't heard from him since. He's become very successful with his modeling career. It's hard to forget him, especially when most of your good memories were spent with him, he was perfect. You loved him, even though it was hard to admit, especially after he hurt you, you still loved him.

Alex's POV;
"Hi this is y/n, sorry I couldn't get to your call, please leave a message and I'll get back to you as soon as possible." I heard for the 5th time in the last hour. I missed her voice.

I've been trying to get in contact with her for the past 3 months. I'm convinced she blocked my number.

I can't get her out of my mind. I was crazy thinking I could love someone else besides her. "When would I ever find her again?" I thought to myself.

I walked to my fridge to get some juice, just to find out we didn't have any. Could this day get any better? I grabbed my keys and jumped into the car to go to the grocery store.

Your POV;
You decided to get out of bed and go grab some groceries. You had zero food in your cupboards or fridge because your lazy ass wouldn't get up to buy any food. You've been starving so you thought it was the right time. You got in your car and drove to the store while listening to the radio.

You got to the store. Your first instinct was to look for the junk food, obviously. You were walking down the aisle to grab some cookies and chips. You began to push your cart down the long aisle. While pushing your cart you looked to the side to scout out the different flavors. You began walking and your cart suddenly jolted backward towards you.

"What the hell is your problem?" you said while looking up.

You were met with ocean blue eyes and a familiar face.

"Alex?" you said.

"Y/n?" he replied.

You looked him in the eye for a split second before running. You couldn't face him, not now. You sprinted out of the store without your groceries. You could always go to a different store. You ran all the way to your car, but Alex's long legs were no match for your short ones. He grabbed your wrist and spun you towards him. What are the odds you would see him the day you decide to go out?

"We need to talk," he said.

"No, we don't need to talk, you left me for another girl and that's the end of it. You seem happier with her than you ever were with me. UGH. I can't believe I'm even talking to you right now," you said. You tried to yank your arm out of his grip, but that didn't do anything, he was too strong.

"Listen, just listen!" he yelled.

You nodded a little frightened and he continued.

"What a did a year ago is something I regret. I haven't gone a day without you on my mind. No one should ever go through what you did. I take full blame for everything, If I could take it back I would, this year has been hell without you. Y/n I still love you. I broke up with Bailey like 3 months ago, it just wasn't working out. I tried contacting you, but you never answered. Your the best thing that has ever happened to me y/n, please take me back, I need you" Alex said with tears in his eyes.

You looked down. Tears were falling out like a waterfall. You knew deep down inside that you still loved him.

"Alex, look me in the eye right now and tell me you are telling the truth," you said to him sternly.

Alex slowly walked up to you. His forehead against yours.

"Y/f/n, I can promise you, that I am telling the 100% truth," he said while looking deeply into your eyes.

A few seconds of silence were shared between the two of you.

"Well, I guess it's time to tell you that I feel the same way. I haven't stopped loving you and I don't think I ever will" you whispered.

Alex exhaled.

"Thank the Lords" he yelled. "I love you so much," he said while hugging you.

"I love you too" you replied while putting your face in his chest.

3rd Person POV;
Alex and y/n's relationship grew very strong. They shared a very special bond. They grew old together and started a family, living the dream together.

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