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You've heard of the dungeons
And the torture chambers
And the electrical chairs
But there's a place that combines
Physical pain of the highest degree
And emotional torture
Worse than your most morbid nightmares

Here is where people destroy
Not only material things
But confidence and love
They burn hope
And ruin peace
But once everything you've loved is gone
They aren't so heartless as to not replace it

No, no, no
They'll remove the waste
And in its once lovely place
They'll set a fire of everlasting anxiety
They build walls of isolation
A moat will be dug
But you will be forced
To fill it with your own tears and blood

They'll design a castle
of the most intricate nature.
Others may receive it as a gift
But it's nothing other than a nightmare
That you can never escape

You'll be forced to entertain parties
And socialize with all the people in the land
All while inside of you
Torture ensues
But they don't care.
You've told the Lords and Ladies
That you don't want to do this
But they force you to be like everyone else-
Perfectly fine
And socially acceptable

And that, my friends,
Is what school feels like to me
Nothing short of horrific

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