Action Cat

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"Come on, we need to follow him," Christa says at once as she turned the engine off and then stepped out of her car. Mikey jumped out of her car and followed her.

"Can... Can I just stay here?" Frank asks very weakly behind the driver's seat.

"Are you sure, Frank? We need to - " Mikey grabbed her wrist gently and offered a sad smile at her. "Okay, I understand, Frank," she says, a sympathetic sigh escapes from her lips.

Frank resolutely stayed away from looking outside the window, trying his best not to look at them. "Thanks," he whispers, voice undoubtedly broken.

"Let's go," Mikey whispers and together with Christa, they followed the cat.

"I can't help but feel terribly sad by this situation," Christa says after they enter the house. They could hear Arthur meowing loudly inside the deserted house, as if he's calling for his owner.

Mikey visibly wilted, dropping his shoulders. "I know. I also feel the same way," he agrees with her. "Frank's a great guy and I know my brother really love him. I just can't believe this has to happen so my brother can have his old life back. It breaks my heart to see Frank's suffering. I just wish I can help him after somehow."

Christa can only sigh and patting Mikey's shoulder. "But I'm really glad that you finally found your brother."

"And I only wish is that I found him in a different situation though," Mikey admits sadly.

They followed the cat until they reached the back door. Arthur was meowing loudly by the old oak door and Christa slid the key and opened it for them. Arthur was first to go outside, happily jumping before he starts running around.

Mikey saw that it was a very spacious garden but noticeably unkempt and to be honest, it wasn't maintained judging by how thick and tall the grasses are and the metal chairs and table now looks disgusting with rust covering every inch of it. Christa can only grimace and can't offer any defence.

But Arthur seems to find the chaos just fine. He starts rolling around and then joyfully jumping from one place to another. Both Christa and Mikey patiently watches the cat until he stopped and then starts to walk away again.

They followed the cat dutifully, passing some trees and bushes. Mikey instantly notices that this part of the garden seems very different as the grass and bushes appear so well-maintained. He suddenly stopped walking when he saw that there's a grey tombstone a few meters away from him.

Mikey raises an eyebrow. "Huh?"

"We buried my grandmother here," Christa immediately explains without waiting for Mikey's question. "I know it's weird but witches like us prefer to be buried near the place where we live. In this case, my grandmother lived here since she was a little girl, so it's only proper for us to bury her body here."

"Oh, I see..." Mikey nods thoughtfully and they watches as the cat starts to meow loudly again, pawing at the tombstone. A few minutes passed before Christa walked closer to the tombstone and touches Arthur. The cat blinked once back at her and Christa starts to pet and and stroke his gorgeous coat.

"Hey buddy," Christa cooed and the cat starts to purr at her. "You're finally home. Can you now let our friend Gerard finds his way back home too?"

"Meow!" Arthur butted his head against Christa's hand as if he understood what Christa just said.

Christa stepped away and they both watches as Arthur slowly lays down the ground and resting his head on his front legs. And then the same bright yellow lights starts to envelop the cat again, but this time, the light starts to move up, very slowly, leaving the cat's body. Mikey swore that it appears as if the soul of the trapped cat starts leaving it's body.

The Tabby Cat Outside My Door (Frerard)Where stories live. Discover now