One Sad Cat

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Frank will always remember the way this flawless white feline rolls on the sidewalk like she owns it. After rolling around for a few moments, she would sit in the sunlight, her as white as snow coat gleaming in majesty. It appears that this cat is admiring herself and wanted to be admired.

No wonder the moment his cat first saw her outside, this white cat with crystal blue eyes had quickly stolen Gerard's attention.

Lindsey and Gerard's story started in the beginning of August.

Frank and Gerard had a small discussion where Frank finally allowed his cat to go outside the apartment. He trusted Gerard and his cat even promised him that he'll never wander far away from his apartment. And so, Frank instructed his cat that he'll open the small window in their kitchen where Gerard can go in and out.

In the beginning, Gerard is just staying just outside Frank's apartment, appreciating the warmth and sleeping in the front stoop. But a few days later, Frank found out that Gerard is actually wandering in their neighbor's place. And there he caught him sleeping beside this white feline outside his next door neighbor's front stoop.

So Frank thinks that the natural response to this is he should find them adorable because, let's all be honest here – two cats sleeping side by side looks so romantic and cute.

But Frank remembers that the tabby cat is his. It's his Gerard.

Frank immediately reminded himself that he shouldn't freak out, because it was just a cat. And no, he's definitely not jealous of that gorgeous white feline sleeping beside his Gerard. Frank watches them for a few minutes before the two kitties suddenly woke up from their glorious kitty slumber, yawning adorably and stretching their legs. Gerard then lifted his right front leg, stretching out his soft paw then before licking it. Next, Gerard lowered his head and started licking this white's cat fur.

Frank decided that it's about time to make his presence known. He walked towards the two kitties, before sitting beside them. "Hey my kitten," Frank started and Gerard halted almost immediately. Upon seeing his owner, Gerard stared rubbing himself around Frank's warm body, obviously telling him how please he is to see him. Gerard then looked up at Frank before meowing adorably, which made Frank stroke his soft fluffy head and chin. "So who's your new friend?" Frank asked directly at his tabby cat.

The white feline in question rolled around, showing his soft and furry belly at Frank. And it appears like she's asking Frank to rub her soft tummy. Looking up close, he realized why this cat stole his Gerard's attention. It is not only his tabby cat, but Frank can also appreciate this white feline's beauty and grace. And so, his tattooed hand found its way to this feline's soft white fur and started stroking it. Frank felt her purred out loud, which he took as a good sign.

Frank continued to pet the white feline, and it was totally not his intention to forget that Gerard was at his side. Gerard then bit his arm, not too hard, but quite enough to grab Frank's attention. Gerard jumped on Frank's lap, rubbing his muzzle against his owner's tummy before settling down, his front paws starting kneading Frank's lap.

Now caught in a very weird situation, Frank appears like he's one crazy cat guy, which is definitely not true. But he can't help but to admire Gerard's new friend and Gerard is now vying for his attention too. Before, Frank thought he's the one who's going to be jealous, but it appears that Gerard is way more possessive than him.

Frank stayed there for a while with the two kitties before he was interrupted by someone coughing behind his back. He turned around and saw a girl standing, wearing a black skirt and white blouse.

"Uh hi?" The lady smiled at Frank, awkwardly waving her left hand.

"Hi!" Frank immediately responded, nodding. Frank knows that she's the girl living next door, but he hasn't got any chance to talk to her before. Frank doesn't even know her name.

The Tabby Cat Outside My Door (Frerard)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن