Hot and Cold

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Frank's established daily routine may be repetitive and boring for others, but he's the kind of guy who doesn't complain about it at all. In fact, Frank is not looking for any new activity, maybe except for allotting more time for playing Pansy. But for now, Frank is perfectly fine with his routine and won't even ask for anything.

Gerard, on the other hand, seems to have his own daily kitty routine too. Although to be honest, Gerard just spends most of his time sleeping, or napping, or sometimes just running around the house chasing anything that is small. But once Frank is at home, Gerard always attaches himself to him, being cuddly, affectionate, and adorable. In his cat form, Gerard would often rub himself against Frank's calves, jumps onto his lap which Gerard now labels as his comfy bed, or biting Frank's knuckles and fingers which is his form of reminder that his owner should stroke his gorgeous coat.

This has become their routine and Frank is enjoying it. That's why when Gerard suddenly became quiet and withdrawn one night, Frank knows something is wrong.

And Frank's suspicion is proven right the next morning when he saw Gerard, in his human form, shivering and curled beside him. Frank started to panic after he touched his pale skin and it is hotter than usual.

Without even thinking twice, Frank quickly grabbed his phone and called his best friend Ray.

Ray picked-up the phone after 6 agonizing rings. "Hello?"

"Oh God, Ray!" Frank almost yelled, letting a loud distressed sigh. He immediately pulled the blanket off from him and covered Gerard. "Ray, it's about Gerard!"

"What? What's wrong, Frank?" Ray asked, his voice cracking in the other line. Then Frank heard a very familiar background noise.

"Ray, are you in an airport?"

"Yeah Frank... I have a scheduled flight to Cincinnati. I'm personally invited by my university professor to attend this year's Veterinary summit," Ray informs and Frank can't believe how unfortunate he is that Ray is about to leave when he badly needed his help. Ray continued, "And I'll be gone for three days. Why? Is there something wrong with Gerard?"

"Holy crap..." Frank muttered under his breath, scooting closer to Gerard who's still curled into a ball. "Yes. There's something wrong... I believe Gerard's ill, Ray. What should I do? Should I give him any medicine?"

"NO!" Ray immediately responded back. "Don't give Gerard any... Medicines that are meant for humans are usually toxic for felines. Wait! Is Gerard in his human form?"

"Yes, he is," Frank replied, his free hand now brushing the strands of red hair away from Gerard's flushed face. "So what should I do then, Ray?"

"Uhh... Just make sure that he'll have some rest, Frank. I'm not really sure if we can give him any medication since Gerard changes to a cat. I mean, medicine might help him, but what if it has some kind of adverse effect on his cat form? So just try your best to nurse him back to health, Frank... I'll call back once I'm finished with my commitments, okay? Or call me if Gerard's gotten worse, which I hope is not going to happen..."

"Okay, I'll see what I can do, Ray..." Frank replied defeatedly, his eyes still glued on Gerard. "Bye, Ray."

After Frank hang up, he immediately sent a message to his boss that he's sick and that he can't come to work today.

Frank then resumed to attending his cat. Gerard rolled to his back, his eyes still closed. Frank then tucked his own favorite pillow behind Gerard's head and he arranges the blanket, covering his kitten nicely and comfortably. Frank noticed that Gerard is not sweating badly due to his fever, but he's still hot. Frank continues to check up at him and he can't help but to let out a sigh of relief when he saw that Gerard is breathing normally –- his temperature is just above his normal, but Frank knows that Gerard still needs to be taken care of.

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