The One With the Quidditch Game

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Chapter 26 The One With the Quidditch Game

During his few months at Hogwarts, Merlin had gained a bit of a reputation. At least once a day someone would stop and talk to him during his work. It was all from first to seven years and from all four houses. It was mostly the older Slytherins that remained absent and those Slytherins that did turn up were usually girls.

He would never admit it to anyone, but Merlin loved it. He loved being popular, always had. In Camelot he had befriended almost everyone who worked in the castle and that is how he wanted it to be here as well. The fact that most that stayed and talked to him seemed to have a bit of a crush on him wasn't something he concerned himself about. It had been the same in Camelot amongst the maids and in one case, the Cook Mary. It wasn't until Hermione pointed it out to him after the Quidditch match, that he understood that not everyone played nice.


"So, today is the big day. How are you feeling?" Merlin sat down beside Ron at the breakfast table; Ron looked sullen and didn't answer him. He decided to try with Harry instead. "How about you Harry? Are you ready for the big game?" Merlin gave him a big smile over Ron's head.

"As ready as I can be." Harry answered cheerfully but Merlin could detect a hint of despair in his voice. "Tea?" Harry asked Ron. "Coffee? Pumpkin juice?"

"Anything." Ron answered gloomily and took a bite of his toast.

Merlin was about to ask him if he was okay when Morgana and Hermione showed up. Morgana had decided to stay and talk with Aithusa alone, instead of following Merlin down to the Great Hall. She must have met up with Hermione on her way downstairs.

"How are you feeling?" Hermione asked tentative, with her gaze fixed at the back of Ron's head.

"Good." Harry answered her while Merlin felt a hand on his shoulder and turned around to talk to Morgana.

"Make some place, Marcus." Morgana told him where she stood by the seat beside him.

"Here you have. Drink up." Merlin could hear Harry say to Ron just as he was about to reply.

"There is plenty of space..." He began but Hermione's sharp tone stopped him.

"Don't drink that, Ron!"

Merlin quickly turned his head to look at her and then at Ron's glass that he held up to his mouth. He saw Morgana doing the same at the corner of his eye.

"Why not?" Ron asked and stared at her. Hermione shifted her gaze to Harry with big eyes.

"You put something in that juice." She said accusingly to Harry. Merlin had no idea what was going on and he looked between the three with interest.

"Excuse me?" Harry said disbelievingly.

"You heard me. I saw you. You put something in Ron's glass. You have the bottle in your hand right now." Hermione said and pointed at his hand.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Harry answered but Merlin saw the little bottle that he quickly put back in his pocket. He recognised it but couldn't place how. Hermione turned her face to Ron again.

"Ron, I'm warning you, don't drink it?" Hermione sounded horrified but Ron ignored her and emptied the glass in one go.

"Stop messing with me, Hermione." He told her. Hermione looked chocked and bent down to talk to Harry. Merlin strained his eyes and with a little help with his magic, he could hear what she said.

"You should be expelled for this!" She hissed. "I never thought that about you, Harry!

"You're one to speak." Harry whispered back. "Have you exposed someone to the Confundus spell lately?"

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