Given to another 2.5

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everyone has their own take on many types of subject... different versions.

this is mine.....

Kaylee is a not a werewolf but a shape shifter, her mom is but not her dad. she is the only member of her mom's side of the family to be anything but something that flies. her dad is telekinetic.

Mason is a werewolf. his parents are hardly around. in his pack generations stay close to their own generations. his best friend is the the alphas son Tyler, his other friends in the group are Ryan, Reese, and Gabe.

Tyler being the alphas son has many responsibilities. one being to find a mate and continue the line of strong males to keep the family in charge, but feels that it should be his choice who he mates with after all it is for life.

Raylen is the alpha and he believes that Tyler and Kaylee will make a perfect line of children but the more he observed her he knew that maybe his son wasnt the one for her he needed strong cubs to take over his pack when he stepped down.

as Kaylee and Mason run from place to place discovering more about each other they come across some startling news about each other. what makes matters worse is that Raylen feels that Tyler has betrayed him by losing Kaylee and goes after her himself to claim what his son couldnt.

Please leave a comment if you see something wrong let me know i have tons of ideas about where this is going but id like to hear what you guys think.

if i get ten votes ill post the next chapter its done just waiting for those 10 votes.....

TEN... 1...0... 10............


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