Given to Another

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Given to Another

Nature was never my thing growing up. Every particle of dirt disgusted me, up until now. I lived to be in the wild. It called to my being. There wasn't a day that went by that I was not in the forest. I had to, my parents really didn't understand, but they didn't really try stop me either. Not that I would let them.

I enjoy listening to the birds and all the other animals out here running beside me. Not that any of them actually get close enough, that is.

I stopped by the water to refresh myself, looking down at my reflection. A petit wolf looked back at me. My mom is a shape shifter and her animal is an owl. I am the only non flying shape shifter in the family, along with my dad. My dad is human for the most part. He is also telekinetic, and the most square father out there. Thinking about my parents I looked back at the water seeing the wolfy grin. I wasn't what my parents were expecting the first time I shifted. Out of all the birds in the world we had almost all of them in my family, but something changed when my mom met my dad, and the out come was me.

They love me dearly, but they don't know what its like to be called into the wild almost every night. My mom has urges to spread her wings and fly, but my dad has no idea what its like to have the need to do anything.

Huffing out my breath, disturbing the water, I turned and sprinted off back into the forest, ignoring all the squawking birds scattering off into the sky. Laughing at the thought that any of the creatures of the forest should be scared of me, I couldn't even hurt a fly. I didn't hunt in my wolf, but that also didn't mean I didn't get the urges to. It enticed me to hunt and chase but I never killed anything.

Looking up into the sky knowing that it was getting dark I raced home to reassure my parents I was ok before I took off again. It was Friday night and I knew that my curfew was later because I didn't have any school tomorrow, and thankful for that.

After checking in with both my parents I went through the back yard to start off towards the water, late night swim was the only thing on my mind as I left my clothes in a heap under a bush in my back yard. Running across my back yard naked I jumped up the wall and sat down. I looked over my shoulder to where my parents stared at me through the window, smiling at them I jumped transforming as I landed on all four paws.

Friday nights were my nights to be free the only way I knew how. The only way I could really be myself.


It was getting dark and I couldn't wait to get away from my parents and hangout with my friends. Tonight we were going deep in the forest to have fun. Fire, drinks, hunting, and laughter were always on the list of things to do when all us guys got together. We were the kind of friends that last forever. All our families were so close it was like we were brothers, but I was closest to Tyler. He was the alphas son and the next to take his place. We were also cousins.

Running to our gathering place I ran past a lake where I caught a glimpse of someone in the water. She had silver hair that sparkled in the moonlight. I couldn't believe someone would be in the water this late but there she was I walked towards the water still in my wolf form and stopped at the edge of the water, front paws barely being touched by the sway of the water.

As I watched her swimming around I realized she was not wearing any clothes, but I still couldn't look away. Then I heard the howl of one the guys, and I looked back towards the tree. When I looked back towards the water she was looking at me. She had eyes to match the moon, and a smile to make me weak. She was beautiful, and she wasn't frightened by the sight of me. When the second howl sounded we both looked in the direction it came from. When I turned back around she was swimming towards the other end of the lake.

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