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(3 Years later...)
"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday Melony and Lavender. Happy birthday to you. Heepheep hooray!!"

"Blow out your candles guys!" Martha, my daughter's nanny said.

"Make a wish and blow Lavender." I said to my daughter, then we both took a deep breath and blew out the candles on our beautiful cake.

It was one huge cake that was separated right down the middle with a line of icing. Lavender's side of the cake was made of chocolate and vanilla. It had a picture of Tinkerbell and right at the top Lavender's name was written in chocolate. My side of the cake was carrot cake. It had a picture of red and white roses with my name written in the middle with caramel. To top it all off we both had separate candles on our cake. Lavender's candle was the number 3 and mine was the number 23.

To think that three years ago on my 20th birthday I was given the best gift ever, my beautiful daughter. Yeah that's right, she's beautiful and she looks just like me except her hair is straight and brunette, taking after Brusilov.

"Yay!!" Everyone applauded and cheered for us once we had blown out our candles. Martha then handed me a knife and I cut the cake, dishing it out to everyone. I placed two pieces on each plate. One piece from my side of the cake and another piece from Lavender's side of the cake.

"I just want to thank you all for coming. You know you all mean a great deal to me and Lavender and I just want you to know that that will never change. I love you guys." I said once everyone was settle down eating cake.

"We love you too." All five my friends said, while Lavender and her friend Maggie clapped their hands with joy. For those of you who are wondering, I invited three of my close friends from the club Rudo, Claire and Jasmine. I also invited my daughter's nanny Martha, her husband Joshua and their five year old daughter Maggie. Just as everyone finished their cake Rudo's wrist watch beeped.

"Five O'clock club members." Rudo said looking down at his watch. "Time to head to work."

"Darn! Time really does fly when you're having fun, doesn't it?" I said then everyone nodded in agreement. "I'm sorry to leave you like this Martha, but..."

"Go it's no big deal. Joshua and I will clean up here, you're a working mom I understand."

"Thanks so much Martha, you're the best! I really should consider giving you a raise."

"No need. I do this because I want to, now go!" I immediately got up from my seat and Rudo, Claire and Jasmine followed my lead. I then quickly went to my bedroom to grab my handbag and Lavender's birthday present.

"Here you go sweetie." I said handing her the Tinkerbell doll she's been dying to have.

"You got me the Tinkerbell doll! Thank you so much mommy!" She squealed leaping into my arms giving me a bear hug.

"It's a pleasure sweetheart. Now mommy has to go to work, so aunty Martha and uncle Joshua will look after you until I get back okay. You be good for them okay?"

"Okay mommy." She said with an adorable smile.

"I love you. I'll see you later okay. Happy birthday baby." I said then I kissed her forehead and left for work.

At work...

"Melony!" Rudo called out to me as he ran towards me with his cellphone in his hand.

"Hey Rudo what's up?"

"You have a phone call from Martha. She says it's about Lavender."

"What?!" I said as I snatched the phone from Rudo.

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