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Present day (A year and a half later after Melony's family disowned her)


By 19:00 I was standing in front of my mirror double checking my appearance before heading off to work. For those of you who are wondering most people say I look like Mariah Carey, just more figured.

I have what they call an African figure(shaped like a bottle). I have long black curly hair that represents both my black and white side. I have white facial features and a mixed confusing skin colour, kind of like Mariah's.

Today my looks weren't doing it for me. I was having a really bad hair day and the peach mini dress I was wearing was a little too tight, because I had gained some weight. "I need to go on a diet." I said thinking out loud. I didn't have time to change because I was already late, so I just grabbed my handbag and coat and headed for the door.

When I got to the club there were no cars in the parking lot. Which was strange because there were always cars regardless of the time. When I entered the club the entire staff were sitting on bar stools and our supervisior Digby was standing on one of the stripper platforms with a man I've never seen before. When I realized that we were having a meeting I slipped onto one of the empty bar stools at the back, hoping that I entired without being noticed.

Only after a few minutes of settling in did I notice that some of the staff members were crying. "What's going on?" I whispered to Rudo who was sitting next to me.

"Simon was found dead in his apartment this morning, heart attack." Rudo whispered back. That day was truly a grievous day, because I had worked for Simon for a year and a half and he always treated the staff and I well. And now he's gone.

"A funeral will be held for our late boss Simon on Friday at 10:00. The good news is we were able to find a replacement for Simon sooner than we hoped. Staff please welcome the new boss of The Foxy Tail, Konstahnteen Brusilov!" We all welcomed our new boss Brusilov who turned out to be the unknown man with warm applause.
"You can say a few words to your new employees Brusilov!" Digby said handing over to Brusilov.

"Thank you." He said and we stopped applauding. He had a very strong Russian accent. "I am Russian for those of you who are wondering. I am very happy to be the new boss of The Foxy Tail and all of you, but I expect of you to treat me with the same respect you would Simon. If you do so we will have no problems. Let us all work together and not forget the reason why we are here; to satisfy our customers and make profits. Now you will all have the privilege of having the rest of the week off until after the funeral. When you come back though, I expect all of you to bring up your A-game. Thank you, you may leave.

We all got up and began to leave. I was halfway to the door when Digby asked me to join him and Brusilov on the platform. I slowly made my way to the platform and got on. Digby introduced me to Brusilov and we shook hands. Brusilov kept looking me up and down with lustful eyes. I didn't feel comfortable about it and the massive scar on his left cheek didn't put me at ease either.

Brusilov eventually stopped looking me up and down and just looked me dead in the eyes. "I don't think you made a very good first impression by showing up so late Ms. Tray." Brusilov said.

"I'm really sorry sir. I just had a disaster day and then I had trouble with my outfit."

"Please call me Mr. Brusilov. I won't penalise you for that this time, but next time make sure you get here on time or get dressed faster."

"Oh yes sir, Mr. Brusilov sir!"

"Good. You may leave Ms. Tray." I immediately got off the platform and walked out the door.

"What was that all about?" My best friend Nelly asked as she rushed after me.

"Just about getting to work on time, since I was late today."

"Oh not a good first impression I see Mel."

"Yeah, but it won't happen again Nel."

"Yeah I know, you won't let it. So what do you think of this Brusilov guy?"

"He gives me the creeps Nelly. He keeps looking at me with these lustful eyes and not to mention the massive scar on his face."

"Yeah like, what the heck is up with that right?" Nelly agreed.

"Well at least he gave us the rest of the week off."

"Yeah. I'm not complaining about that. It's just sad it had to come at the expense of Simon's death."

"Yeah, what a shocker."

"Yeah. Want to come to my apartment and chill Mel? Maybe we could have a lady sleep over."

"Yeah sure Nel. You know I can never say no to my best friend.


Authors note: Sorry if it was a bit boring. I just wanted to introduce the new boss of The Foxy Tail. He plays a big role in the story and is a main character. The next chapter will be way more interesting, so please keep reading. Thanks B)

P.S. Hey there my lovely readers, it has been a while. I felt it necessary to add this comment of my own right here for you guys. I have received a lot of hate and hurtful comments from readers with regards to the way I described Melony's appearance above. A lot of you think me to be racist or stereotipical towards black women in the way I wrote it, but I can assure everyone that this was NOT my intention! SURPRISE; I AM A BLACK WOMAN MYSELF!! So I would NEVER be racist towards my own fellow black women or men or any race. When I wrote this a few years back, it sounded just right in my mind and that is how I wanted to describe her. So if anyone feels offended by this I apologize, but I couldn't think of a better way, but if you as the reader can, feel free to suggest a way to describe her. If you can't think of anything better, I'd appreciate it if you keep your hurtful comments to yourself!! I am sick and tired of hearing them!! I am not in anyway racist, thank you very much! I hope everyone reads this and gets it... I will not reply to any hate or hurtful comments about this. Thank you for your attention with regards to this. Have a good day my readers and thank you for the ongoing support.

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