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(Two weeks after Nelly's death)

The club hasn't been the same since Nelly's death. It has been unbearably quite without my best friend. You could just feel the tension between Brusilov and I. Everytime he came past the bar counter he would stare at me with a look of disgust and lust combined.

We hadn't even uttered a word to each other since the day of Nelly's death. I didn't think that Brusilov would ever talk to me again and to be honest I didn't care. But little did I know that all of that was about to change.

On Friday night just before my shift ended Brusilov walked up to the bar counter and uttered his first words to me in weeks.

"I want to see you in my office NOW!" He yelled. He looked frustrated and angry, so I knew better than to keep him waiting. I immediately stopped what I was doing and followed him to his office. "Take a seat." He said while closing the door behind me. Then he walked to his liquor table and poured himself a whiskey. He downed it in one go and then spoke.

"You know I've been thinking long and hard about the Nelly tragedy and how you accused me of being responsible for her death. I decided that I can't lie about it anymore."

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Do you really want to know why Nelly killed herself Ms. Tray?" I nodded then Brusilov walked to the door and locked it. Then he walked to the couch where I was sitting and sat down next to me. This made me nerves and scared. "Well let me tell you Ms. Tray. I heard that Nelly was spreading some rumours about me, that are true by the way. So I knew I had to stop her."

"I knew it! You were the one who hung her. Nelly wouldn't have killed herself, you sicko!" I yelled.

"Woe, woe, woe slow down! I haven't even finished my story yet. I didn't kill Nelly. I just convinced her into thinking that suicide was the only option."

"How did you do that?" I asked confused.

"I raped her. That's all I had to do and Nelly did the rest."

"No, no you evil physco! Why would you do that to Nelly? She didn't do anything to you. She didn't deserve to be raped or to die!!"

"I did it because I saw Nelly as too much of a threat."

"A threat, why?"

"Because she would tell someone about what I'm about to do."

"What is..." Before I could finish my sentence Brusilov put his hand over my mouth, pushed me down on the couch and got on top of me.

"This." He whispered into my ear then unzipped his pants. I tried to scream, but my scream was muffled by his hand. "Save your breath nobody's going to hear you. This is a sound proof office. So might as well let it happen, you have no way out." Brusilov said then laughed evilly. I kicked and struggled as much as I could, but soon realized that it was all a waste of my energy. Brusilov kept me pinned down in place. So I gave up, laid still and let him rape me.

When he finished with me, he zipped up his pants and got off of me.

"Get up, get dressed and get out!" He said as he walked to the door and unlocked it. I immediately got up off the couch, pulled up my underwear and skirt and headed for the door. As I was about to open the door and leave, Brusilov grabbed my arm and pulled me back. He pulled me close to his body and whispered into my ear:

"Don't go hanging yourself by a rope like Nelly did now. Besides you are after all a great asset to this club. Oh and don't go tattle tailing to the police. I will know and I will get a few of my friends to visit you and trust me, you don't want that."

I pulled my arm out of his grasp and left his office. I felt warm tears coming to the surface and I let them trickle down my cheeks. I let my boss take my virginity, I let my boss rape me I kept thinking to myself as I walked to my locker. I grabbed my coat and handbag out of the locker and headed home.

A month and a half later...

"No, this can't be!" I freaked out as I looked at the three home pregnancy tests I bought. I'm pregnant with that physco's baby! What am I going to do? How am I going to tell him? No I can't tell him! What if he wants me to give my precious baby up to some Mafia leader as a wife? Nelly was right, I should've listened to her. And now I can't even go and tell her she was right all along. I can never let Brusilov find out about this baby ever! I thought to myself as I placed my hand on my stomach.

"Nobody is ever going to take you away from me or hurt you. I will protect you with my life little one." I spoke to the growing baby inside of me.

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