Chapter 2- Angustus Kayland

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The door shut behind me as I open my to see... to see a MAD SCIENTIST I am not kidding you that is what it was. He had curly orange hair, goggles and mask were over his eye and mouth, he also had a lab coat on and the room we were in also look like laboratory it had tile floors, counters with different machines, and there was a huge flat screen TV on one side of the wall. Without even thinking I pushed him out of the way and moved my body onto his bed which was in the corner. I quickly looked around the room just to another person there also. "SOMEBODY HELP ME NOW!" I yelled, "THESE PEOPLE ARE GOING TO KILL." I didn't know why I was drag into this, and I was also starting questioning how safe the school really was.
Soon both humans started walking towards me, I pick up the closest thing to me which was a pillow. It still a weapon in the end. I held it up over my head ready to hit who ever come to me first. I screamed one more time for luck. "Joseph stop trying to kill your neighbors!" A person on the other side of the wall yelled. The mad scientist took off his mask and goggles to revel a young teenage boy with blue eyes. He look about my age or one year older.
"I'm not killing anyone!" He yelled back to the other person. He turned to me, "I'm sorry about this, we confused you with a other person." He continued, "Anyways I'm Joseph Brown and this is Nick Harris." I nodded my head in return. We stare for a few seconds at each other until we were interrupted by someone phone. The ringtone was off a science show, it was Joseph's phone and he answered it quickly with embarrassment. "YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO MEET ME HERE WHERE ARE YOU." A boy yelled from the other side of the phone. "I had something else to deal with." Joseph said back, there was a long silence before the other person said. "Well what ya waiting for?!" Joseph hung up and turn to me. "We have to go pick up a chicken that Luke had in the gym." I look with the most cunfusion I have ever had. "Wait, why do I have to go?!" I questioned him. "That this rate we need all the hands we can get." Joseph responded with.
He graved mine and Nick's arm which gave me a chance to look at Nick. Nick had a purple hoodie and necklaces around his neck. He had almost wavey black hair and rings under his eyes. Joseph than throw us out of his dorm. Together we ran down the hallways till we got of the dormitory, there were had to wiggle our way to the gym with out being notice by any teacher or staff. Nick watch for the clear before leading us in a side door to the gymnasium. The gym look just like any other gym but with the colours yellow and purple which was our school's colours. "Luke?" Joseph called. For bit no one answer. But soon a younger teenage boy with circle glasses and brown hair appear out from under the bleachers. The face he had didn't look to happy as he made his way to us holding a light brown chicken. " WHY WEREN'T YOU HERE ON TIME!" Luke yelled at Joseph face. "Be quiet or your going to get us caught." Nick said back to him. "Well me and this chicken aren't happy at all." Luke shove the chicken in Joseph.
"See this chicken?" Luke continue," This chicken is wondering where the heck she is. Joseph stare at him with confusion. "And see this face." Luke pointed at himself. " This face is wondering why did he have to do this. " Joseph gave a nervous laugh and said. " Maybe cuase you signed up?". Lucas gave Joseph the chicken "That's it I'm going back to my dorm." Luke start to walk to the other side of the gym where a different door was. But just as he took his first step Joseph graved his arm and pulled him back. As Luke tried to push away from Joseph he notice me. "Who are you?" He asked.

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