Chapter 1- Angustus Kayland

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"I fear this might be my final day, for i have created the impossible. It's so silly to think that an experiment that was supposed to go so well can go so bad in a matter of a few seconds. I have created a powerful virus that has the potential to dominate and destroy planets. It was accidently let out by someone, but no one in this lab did it. I fear the safety of my home planet which is by now millions of light years away. I also feel like the deaths and destruction of a galaxy that is to come are in my hands for I don't know what that thing will do. My creation is now coming for me, I don't expect this journal to make it either for it will be burned in hell as well as me for all the bad deeds i have committed. So long my galaxy for i have just destroyed you."


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"So you really... want to go here?" a fat dubbed-chinned man named Principal Green said in a grunty voice. It was a two weeks before school started at James Cliffe boarding school. A school really just made for humans to get their kids away and not deal with them, doesn't that sound fun! Anyways it was really just like a "normal school", a simple old boarding school, well eliminating the fact that aliens could go there. " I mean it's been ages since a kid put themselves is this tragedy." Green continued, " We didn't even know if he was gonna make it." I was that sitting across his desk and I sighed " Yes I understand, but that's not keeping me from coming here." He didn't seem to accept my application to the school, " You basically giving up your life and your freedom." Green stated trying to persuade me into forgetting this." Yes Mr. Green, but are you going to let me in this school!" A big sigh fell over the room Principal Green went over to his computer
"What your name again kid?"
" Angustus Kayland, sir."
" Okay your in, your dorm number is 634."
I walked out of Green's office to see the big smile upon my mother's face, her hazel eyes were smiling too. She's been through alot and she was just about to give up her only son. " Let go pick up my key." I implied, and we walled up to the front office. A round lady with glasses gave me my key. My uncle, Jamey, was waiting in the car and ask "How did it go Jess?" Which was my mother's name. " So how did go, Gus." she put the question on me. "It went good, I mean I got in." I never truly trust my uncle so I never wanted to go into detail but I could tell my mother everything.
Once my uncle drop me and my mother at our apartment. We started packing my room up. Jesse was a single parent after my father left her once my younger brother, Daniel, died from cancer. I was surprised that she was willing to let go of me. The thing about my mother is that she is selfless maybe to selfless she'll give everything you want and she wants nothing more. It was chaos when we were packing but every time I would look at her for help she always gave a smile. As a child she was there to give me a smile after my brother died, also when she and my dad were getting divorced. I remember her exact words " It's okay Augustus, life gets hard but that just gives us more of a reason to hold on."
Days past with just packing. Our black pug named Sebastian scratch at my foot as I pile up the last box. "You have all your textbooks right?" my mother asked.
"And you have your bedsheets."
"Glasses and clothes."
"Yes mom."
Jessica nods her head at me and throws me a coat moves over to the kitchen counter to pick up some pink and yellow flowers. Today we were going to Daniel's grave for birthday which he would have turned 13 today. As we drove downtown into the cemetery, there was no one else but us. Me and her made our way to his gravestone that read Daniel Kayland 2004-2009 Jessica placed the new flower in the jar next to his grave. My mother spoke to him about upcoming events and how life is looking more up than ever. She stood up and look up to me we made eye contact and in just a second we hugged for a minute but it felt like our hours. She held my head to her shoulder so I could only see her light brown. That's when I started questi-oning if my mother was alright.
It became August 7th and school was about to start. James Cliffe Boarding school was in the middle in the woods in Washington St. My uncle drove all my stuff there while my mother drove me and some small stuff in her own car. We cross the giant three story building and parked in the parking lot. One by one my family start hauling boxes to my dorm 634.
As I came closing to my door, I shifted the box I was carrying to my side as I reached for the key in my pocket. The key was a rusty bronze and had a keychain with my dorm number. I open the oak door to see a bed with no sheets, a circle table, and a closet on the left side. I place my package on the table, my mother placed her right next to mine. After some of the boxes and furniture were open and place my mom turn to me. " Well that will be the last one, anyways I'm going back home to make my- myself." she hesitate at the thought, " bet you can take care of this on your own." she smile and patted my brown hair. "Yeah." I agree
"Goodbye Angustus, I'll see you soon."
"Goodbye mom."
I close the door behind me after my mom and uncle left and turn to the packages left. I got my red scissors, I poke it through the tape and slide the blade down the package. I open it up to see my dad's old globe, some pencils, and my three of my favourite books. I place the globe on top of the shelf and put the book on the second shelf. Suddenly my stomach groaned I thought I should probably go get a snack even though it was just an hour before 12:00 a.m.
I walked down the hallway till I got to vending machines there I took out dollars to pay for a Coke and a small bag of chip. I drank the Coke as strolled back to my dorm I looked around and saw some other students. A couple of the dorms doors we open or ajar but most wear closed. As I walked in front of a open dorm I turn in a second just to see a hand pulling me from my button-up shirt into the darkness.

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