Chapter 4

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When the bell rang at 2:15 Roman waited for me to gather my books into my backpack.  Once I was finished he reached for my hand and we walked slowly to my locker.  I put away a couple of my textbooks and pulled out my iPod, which I kept tucked away in the corner so no one could see it.

"Your chariot awaits m'lady," Roman smiled as he held my hand and walked me out the doors.  When we got outside Emily was standing there along with her two Barbies, Stacy and Ashley.

"Well, well.  Look who it is.  The dyke.  Tell me dyke, what are you doing without your little fag?"  Emily taunted while Stacy and Ashley giggled in the background.

"I-well um," I started to stutter.

"She is going home with me and if D.J. is the 'fag' you are referring to, I must say he looks nothing like a cigarette.  However if you mean it derogatorily then I'm sorry, but I must take offense because he happens to be dating my older brother," Roman retorted. "And also I must say this beautiful woman next to me, whose name is Penelope, does not appear to be a levee or, as I'm going to assume you mean, she is not a lesbian."

As soon as he said that he leaned down and kissed me full on the lips.  I was utterly in shock.  I had never been kissed before!  I had no idea what to do and what not to do.  After a moment he pulled back and looked down at me smiling.  All I could do was blush and look down.

"Now if you'll excuse us ladies," he sneered at the word, "we must be going.  Keith and D.J. are waiting for us.  Good-bye now."  And with that he walked away with me in tow.  I looked back just in time to see Emily, Stacy, and Ashley walk away and only then did I notice the other students.  

~* Author's Note *~

Sorry it is so short.  I have been trying to upload, but things keep getting in the way.  If I get at least 5 votes on this chapter I will upload Chapter 5 (its already written).  

Remember to vote, comment, tweet, and share.  And thank you everyone for reading


S.A. Kirby

P.S. Thank you for rushing me Mr. Fioretino. (you know who you are)

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