Chapter 1.

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*Nadia's POV
The entire book will be in this POV unless I change my mind but I'll inform you if that's the case.

I sat across from the man I loathe. I didn't even look at his face. I kept my eyes trained on the black painted wall behind him. My eyes getting lost into the claw marks and paint chips I found. He was talking, I knew this because his mouth was moving in my peripheral vision but his words were drawn away by the hate I had for him.

Raul Lavir. The Ave Mortis. The Chosen of Hades and Selene and conveniently, the man holding my parents and packs lives over me like a chew toy. The man forcing me to marry him.

"—have anything you want in the wedding. Just keep in mind you will only have two weeks to plan and—Nadia? Nadia, are you even listening to me?"

I sharply looked at him at the sound of my name. "I'm sorry, were you talking?"

"I have been for the last three minutes darling! Nadia this is serious it's our wedding day. You should be grateful I'm even letting you plan anything at all!"

I stood up quickly, the back of my knees hitting the sofa chair in his office, "Grateful?! You think I should be fücking grateful for you threatening my parents and my pack! For you taking me away from the right of a mate because you have some weird obsession with replacing the mate you killed,by the way, with me because you're a delusional prick! Oh yes your royal douchness I'm so honored to be your wife!" Ending my little spiel with a deep bow.

"You know I hate cursing, it's not a good habit you have Nadia, what would our children say about their mother's potty mouth?" He raised his eyebrow.

"Ha! If you think I'm letting you anywhere near me you have another thing coming."

"You will bare my heirs or your Guardians and your pack will die a long and painful death! I am the Ave Mortis, death is my specialty."

I put all the hate and anger towards the man sitting across from me in the glare I delivered.

"Now it's time for your fitting. I have sent for Carmen she should be here soon."

"Fitting? For what?"

"You would know if you had been listening to my instructions. You are getting fitted for the wedding dress I picked out for you."

"I thought it was bad luck for the groom to see the bride's dress before the wedding?"

"Trust me nothing will keep us from the bonding. We will be powerful."

"So that's what this is about. You want more power?" Raul looked me straight into the eye. He was trying to intimidate me. I stared right back. "What? You scared mommy Selene is going to come down and strip you of your powers because you broke the rules. You killed your mate, who was an innocent. That's a big no-no. So, you're trying to get more powerful by doing the bonding to combine both of our powers because you think you can defeat Selene?! She's a goddess you dumbass, this will get you nowhere!"

Raul was about to respond but someone knocked on the door.

"That will be Carmen. You're dismissed"

I scoffed. I'm not some little girl, he can't dismiss me! We are both Chosen, he is no more powerful than I.

I had just reached the door knob when he spoke.

"I would watch that pretty little mouth of yours. You don't want to wake up one day to see your parents' heads on pikes in the courtyard."

I took a deep breathe, opened the door and walked through. Making sure to slam it behind me. 

I will save my Guardians and pack and I will escape from Raul, because I am the Ave Maria and I will not be defeated.

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