Needed Information

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So in every werewolf story I have read there are different descriptions of what a werewolf should and shouldn't be. Well this is my story and I can give two shits of what any of the standards are. Okay so here are what werewolves are in this book series.
Werewolves are:
From the moon goddess Selene
Able to change into wolf forms voluntary but on full moons the urge to shift is powerful.
No white wolves only Chosens 
There are Mates
Hierarchy in packs is as follows:
Alpha,Luna,Beta,Former Alphas Lunas and Betas, Delta, Omegas
Omegas aren't degraded and treated horribly they are nearly just "random" citizens of the pack and werewolves as well.

Okay! moving on to what most of you are probably questioning. What the fück are Chosens?!?!? Well let me tell you!
- Are those born from the moon goddess And possibly another god. Given powers by Selene (moon goddess)
- There can only be 5 chosens at once and a new chosen is chosen(lol) once every century. 
- If all 5 chosens can find there way to each other and combine their powers they are immortal and they become the perminent chosens. Only Selene can kill them when they are immortal by stripping their powers away.
- If chosens have not combined into the Dignus(name of them when they are immortal) then they can be killed by decapitation and their only weakness is kematiam a certain herb mixture not known to man.
- Chosen are always werewolves never humans although they can have human mates.
- Chosens are not chosens mates except every millennia there is a pair of chosen mates and they are very powerful.
* Keep in mind that the Chosens are not exactly siblings. Yes, Selene is their mother and she did carry them in her womb but she is not their mother biologically in any way. She has created them and she kept them in Her womb for 4 months to give them their powers not to help them develop their body parts.
- Chosen have a special marking along the back of the neck that signifies they are chosens. 
This is the marking below:

- Chosens are respected and have power above an alpha but there are packs that try to use chosens in negative ways

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- Chosens are respected and have power above an alpha but there are packs that try to use chosens in negative ways

The chosens are:
Ave Maria - chosen of Selene and Poseidon(god of the sea). Granted power of the seas and can breathe and live underwater. Can use water to heal their selves and others and can communicate with Poseidon and Selene and all sea creatures fall under their command

Ave Solem - chosen of Helios(god of the sky and sun) and Selene. Has powers of energy and fire. Can give those who are weak and old energy basically healing them. Is able to grant youthfulness and immortality if moon goddess allows

Ave Luna - chosen of Selene alone. Has the powers of telekenisis and can bring the dead back to life if Selene allows. Has visions sent from Selene. And has the most powerful connection to Selene of the Chosen and has the ability to see Selene in her true form.

Ave Terra - chosen of Selene and Gaea(goddess of earth). Elemental powers. Can grow greenery and earth. Can create mountains rivers, etc. and can be spoken to by Gaea.

Ave Mortis - chosen of Selene and Hades(god of the Underworld). Can bring death to those who need or deserve it. Powers of darkness, so he or she controls demons, devils, etc.

*all chosens have powers of teleportation, telekinesis, telepathy , compulsion, beauty, and wisdom.

Chosens are not birthed or biologically related to their parents/Guardians. They are carried by Selene who then gives birth to them and delivers them to werewolf couples she sees fit to guide them on their paths of destiny. Those people are known as Guardians and they are treated with great respect

Chosens know they are chosen because of marking on neck and their Guardians are ordered to explain there lineage by Selene.

Mm-Kay, that's all. If you read this all thank you and you will not be confused, hopefully. If you didn't.... well good luck understanding most of the book but you can't see this anyway so.....

Thank you and I hope you like the cast which is next but you are free to imagine the characters however you want but the people I found fit the characters best in my opinion.


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