Chapter 19: Call It Macaroni

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Antonio and I have been secretly together for a couple of months now. He's spent countless nights at my apartment, especially during the initial stages of his recovery after being shot. However, we're now switching between our places to avoid raising suspicion.

Driving to work separately has become our routine, a precaution to maintain our discretion. We've even managed to squeeze in a few outings with Lucas on our matching days off, blending our personal and professional lives seamlessly.

Voight's suspicions about us have been lingering in the air, and he finally confronted Antonio and I separately. Initially, he voiced his disapproval of in-house relationships, but after considering our dedication to the job and Antonio's long-standing presence in the unit, he decided to turn a blind eye, as long as we kept our relationship low-key.

On a different note, the murder of Sheldon Jin has cast a shadow over our unit. Despite a forensic investigation, little progress has been made in unraveling the mystery behind his death.

Voight returns to the office, his demeanor as stern as ever, following his attendance this morning at an officers' hearing regarding Jin's murder. Erin wastes no time in probing him for details.

"How'd it go?" she inquires, her curiosity evident.

"It went. They asked some stupid questions. I left," Voight grumbles, his expression unreadable.

Adam chimes in with a question about the status of Jin's murder investigation, to which Voight offers a curt response.

"Nowhere," he states bluntly, with frustration. "Where's Antonio?"

"He's meeting an informant, got a tip about some armored van situation," I inform the group, trying to keep my tone casual as I sift through papers on my desk.

"Sarge, why aren't we looking into Jin's murder on our own?" Jay's interruption halts Voight's stride toward his office.

Voight exhales audibly, his frustration evident. "For the same reason I told you last time you asked." he retorts with a hint of exasperation. "They don't want us anywhere near it since he was in our unit, okay? He was a police officer. Area central is all over it."

Kevin scratches his head, perplexed. "So, no updates this morning?" His innocent question hangs in the air, met with glares from around the room. He hasn't learnt when to stop talking yet.

Voight whirls around, he strides back toward Kevin, his steps heavy with frustration. "Updates?" He repeats, his voice rising. "The update is they're gunning for my badge!" His words echo in the room. "So when there is another update I will convey it, okay? Until then, just do your jobs." The room is punctuated by the slam of his office door.

As his outburst settles, the room falls into a heavy silence. Kevin shifts uncomfortably, his gaze dropping to his desk, where a new workstation has been installed for him.

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