The photographs your boyfriend took

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Okayy, okayy *raises hands in surrender* I know I've neglected all you wonderful readers and not uploaded for ages...but here's a new addition so don't shoot!! 

Mikey's POV

The guys were staring at Gerard with a mixture of shock and pride as we turned the corner, slowing down to a casual walk once the gaping jocks were out of sight.  I loooked as at my brother with a new found respect; who ever knew he had it in him?

"Urmm...Gee?" I began hesitantly, but he shook his head.  We reached the end of the corridor and left the building through the fire exit.  Gerard came to a sudden stop on the other side of the door and turned to face us.

"I'm sick of it Mikey." he said.  "I'm sick of them treating us like we're shit.  Sick of them treating us like there's nothing we can do to fight back.  But I can and I will.  Someone's got to teach them a lesson, and it's gonna be me.  You can do as you wish but I'm going to find some way to give them a taste of their own medicine."  He finished, eyes blazing, and looked at each one of us, face an impenetrable mask of determination.

"I..." I began, , unsure where to begin: my shock at his sudden change of character, my pride that it had been my brother to stand up to the jocks, or my consternation at what sort of revenge they may dream up for us next.  I looked around at the other guys and saw that they were similarly stunned.

Suddenly, though,  I realised that it didn't matter if I was worried of what they might do to us, or scared of the way they glowered at me, or that I knew that what we were agreeing to was probably a one way ticket to a life of pain for the rest of our high school years.  Gerard was my brother - our brother - and we would have his back.  Because he was right; the jocks had been picking on us too long.

I took a deep breath and nodded, the others nodding too.  Gee's mask broke and he breathed in a huge sigh of relief, smiling sheepishly.

"I was worried you wouldn't back me up in this" he admitted anxiously, and I pulled him into a hug.

"We'll always have your back Gee.  We'll always stick together - all of us." I added, pulling Ray and  Frank into the hug too.


We were pulled from our hug by the sounds of tittering and high-pitched voices.  For the first time I looked around at our surroundings.  Gerard had led us into the rubbish dumpster, tucked away in the corner of the car park.  A wall partitian seperated us from the voices, which were coming from the edge of the car park.

" - completed it yet, Jess" one girl said, and I recognised it as one of the cheerleaders.

"Oh but I will, he's so into me!" came a second giggly vioce, and I blinked in surprise.  I turned to Frank and saw him mouth the word Jessica.  He crept to the edge of the wall and we followed him, peering over at the group from the top of a large bin.  There was a group of about five cheerleaders, and three jocks; all were smoking and the cheerleaders were re-applying their makeup in the car window reflections.

"Trust me guys, I'll do it." Jessica giggled, flicking her hair flirtatiously at one of the jocks.  "I've got him right where I want him."

One of the other cheerleaders shook her head at this.

"Nuh-uh.  He was supposed to fall madly in love with you.  As far as I can tell he isn't that interested.  Besides, you haven't won until you've kissed him.  The dare was for you to kiss Frank Iero."

I felt my insides turned to ice, and looked at the others.  They were as pale and shocked as I was.

I turned to Frank to see him wide-eyed, mouth hanging open in surprise.

"Awww crap" he whispered.

DUN DUN DUN!!!  Poor Frankie :(  But you can tell where this is leading.  I'll try and post again soon -  I'm not sure how many chaps left of this story, but we're nearing the end, as you can probably tell by the way the plots heading.  Please comment and rate to tell me what you think of this.  I'm not sure this chapters particularly my best piece of work, but I wanted to give you something and this lot needed to be said.  Sorry it's so short.  Also, if anyone has any suggestions or anything then please feel free to tell me...comments speed me up XD  Thanx for reading along with me so far, and for helping this story reach over 300 reads :D  WOOOO *jumps up and down in excitement*

Anyway, till next time my lovelies

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