Forget about the dirty looks

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Frank's POV

"Yeah sure, see ya monday".  I hung up and looked in surprise at the phone in my hand.  Im not quite sure what just happened...but I think I just got a girlfriend.

Ray's POV

My phone buzzed in my pocket, vibrating against the couch I was slumped in.  I checked the caller ID and held it to my ear.

"Hey bro what's up?"  Frank's voice answered me.

"Hey fro-bro"  I blinked.  Well that's a new one, I thought to myself.

"Uhh Ray, you know that blonde cheerleader?"  I snorted.

"Frank you're going to have to give me more than that - their all blonde pretty much.  Fake blonde, at least."

"Umm...Jessica.  You know, the small one that stands at the top of the pyramid?"

I did know Jessica.  A bimbo if ever there was one.

"Yeah?" I asked cautiously, not entirely sure why he was bringing up the cheerleaders.

"Well...I think she just became my girlfriend."

Mikey's POV

Jeez, Frank had a girlfriend?!  Ugh lucky bugger - even if it was Jessica.  I only had eyes for one girl in high school - Alicia.  She was in my year, in my maths and home ec classes, and was one of the sweetest girls I knew.  But Im too chicken to ask her out - I don't even talk to her unless it's unavoidable because I always make a fool of myself.

"Im not entirely sure how it happened..." Frank mused, breaking into my reverie.  "She started speaking to me before school the other day and we ended up exchanging numbers.  She's not as bad as we all thought she was actually...she's quite nice really.  But then she called up this morning and said she wanted to hang out...and then she asked me to ask her out."

Gerard snorted.  "Wait, she asked you to ask her out?  Grow a pair man!"  He started chuckling.  Ray, however, was more serious.

"So do you like her?"  It was Frank's turn to snort this time.

"God guys we sound like a bunch of teenage girls.  And no, I dont know what I feel about her.  I mean i'd never even have considered that she liked me, but she says she has for ages now...funny, you'd think she'd have 'made a move' before now.  But she's just not someone I'd ever go out with..."

"And yet you are." I pointed out.  Frank grinned at that.

"And yet I am." he agreed.  "Well, waste not want not.  I guess I'll just see where it goes.  Besides, this still means Im the first with a girlfriend, and you know what that means..."  He laughed manicaly, and the three of us groaned.  Three years ago we had made a pact.  The first one of us to get a girlfriend...

Frank grinned evily and ran from the room. to slushy the rest of us.

10 minutes, a trip to the slushy shop and a decades worth of humiliation later, we emerged from the kitchen (which had been deemed the best place for a slushy attack) wiping the freezing sludge from our faces.  Frank was still grinning like a madman - I swear he could beat the cheshire cat at its own imitaion with that smirk.

"Guys lets go get a coffee" I whined, tugging on Gee's arm like a six-year old.  "I'm cold".  Gerard pouted and patted me patronizingly on the head.

"Awww don't worry ickle Moikay.  We'll go get you nice and warmed up.  To Starbucks!"  Ray and Frank groaned.  Even after all these years they still didn't understand our obsession with coffee.

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