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Alex sits there staring at the pages of her book but in her mind they are all blank. She has a weird feeling which has her shelled up.

Lee walks into the café and goes over to alex.

"Did you wait long?" She asks

"nahh not too long" alex replies

"amy just left a couple of minutes ago" alex says
"yeah i saw her from my car... what did you guys talk about?"

"Stuff, memories. It was pretty cool..." "great" lee says "wanna go home now?"

"Yes please" alex replies.

They get in the car and drive home, lee goes to the kitchen and checks the cabinet, "we're out of cereal" she says, alex sighs and says "i'll get it..."

she goes upstairs and changes into black jeans and a fitted gray shirt, she goes to the closet and brings out a hoodie she puts it on and puts on some sneakers then heads out to the supermarket.

it's a bit far but alex doesn't feel like using the car. She needs to clear her head.
she walks past the shops which seems were all sparkling like the glasses had been cleaned over and over again, she walks past a couple who just look so happy and lively and that it strangely seemed to brighten up her mood a little, but she would normal cringe at such stuff.

She walks past a jewelry store and sees a very beautiful silver locket with an inscription 'forever' she sighs and wonders if she could get it as a present some day.

She moves past the store then she almost trips, a lady asks her if she's okay and she could've sworn she heard a background voice telling her to be careful she nodds with a smile but is too embarrassed to look back. "way to go miss clumsy" she mutters under her breath.

She soon reaches the supermarket she intends to also get some ice cream  and  some ketchup because she knows they were out of that too. Alex is about to grab the ketchup on the top shelf when she realises that she had sprained her ankle, she feels a sharp pain on her ankle which causes her to let go of the ketchup, in a split second she says to herself "this is it. This is how i get a black eye"

but just before it hit her... a hand caught it and also supported her in time so she doesn't hit the ground.

Alex due to how fast it all happened has her eyes tightly shut and is expecting to feel herself on the floor, but she isn't she is safe and she definitely feels safe she slowly opens her eyes and she sees someone helping her to her feet.

Her eyes widen then dimm again in a look of surprise "M-m-marsh??" She mutters looking into his brown eyes "i-it's you isn't it??" He stutters with a gleam in his eyes. Alex looks at her shoes, "if you mean the one who almost ran you over at a party... Yup that's me". "No... that was my fault, i had a lot on my mind and i wasn't paying attention"

Alex pursed her lips. "But how do you know my name though?" Marsh asks. Alex puts her hands in her hoodie pocket and says "lee told me, said you guys were childhood friends" "yeah... we are" he says rubbing his neck. Alex looks at him while he does then smiles. He rubbs the back of his neck almost subconsciously then turns to see her smiling

"what?" He asks

"oh... uh nothing" alex replies. "Thank you so much for not letting me fall and get a black eye by the way, i think I've had one too many close falls today" "yeah... i saw you trip, and i just knew that i had seen you somewhere" "ohh you saw that. Well I'm a bit clumsy" alex says stroking the edge of her nose" marsh smirks and says "take care of that ankle" He hands over the ketchup to her. "Thanks" she says embarrased "it's nothing" he replies. He moves to another aisle while she gets some cereal and ice cream. She pays for it and starts walking down the street when it starts to rain. She runs into a nearby jewellery store to wait for the rain to subside. She looks around for a while and then She remembers seeing a beautiful locket, she goes over and looks at it. An old lady approaches her and asks "you like it?" She is startled by the lady so she shook a bit then she says "y-yes, very much" the lady smiles then walks away leaving her to continue with her looking. Just the store opens up and a guy walks in, to also take shelter from the rain. "You again" he says with a smile.

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