The meet

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                                    Chapter 2
Alex is in her study, trying to think about a name for her next book, as she was a writer. She turns to her computer screen and enters a folder. She opens up an image, it's a picture of herself and her friend 'amy' in high school.

She sighs and stares at the computer screen. Then she puts on a little smile. She realised that it didn't hurt so much anymore that her close friend took the one person who she loved so dearly away from her. She realised that she was letting go. She had forgiven her, and she was slowly beginning to forgive him. She walks to the shelf and takes out her favourite book 'zarah the windseeker' she loves the novel alot because it is filled with adventure, and imagination. And she can't help feeling like zarah sometimes, she felt different. She held the book in her arms curled herself up in her cozy chair and dozed off.

"Alex... oh alex..." Alex woke up to the smell of pizza and to someone calling her from the living room. She rubbs her eyes and gets up from her chair. She walks sluggishly to the living room. She walked in to see lee with  two slices of pizza in both her hands. Alex went from sleepy mood to "gimme gimme gimmeeee!!!" she jumped on lee. She let out a loud laugh and said "has the sleeping troll awoken from her beauty sleep? Too bad there was a *frog prince* downstairs that was dying to kiss you mi-lady" "ewww gross" alex responded. "Why didn't you tell me you ordered pizza?? And you paid? Wow. You're on fire today" lee shook her head with her mouth full of pizza. "I didn't pay. Seems like some nice person did." "And you don't care to know who did??" Alex asked. "Aish... you worry too much, i paid okay?" Lee said as she stuffed a pizza in alex' mouth. She grinned as she held the pizza and ate the rest of it.

It was 5:30pm. And the party was  6 so alex and lee got ready, alex wore a red long sleeved t-shirt with a slighty big black leather jacket on, along with some black jeans and boots, lee wore a black ripped jean with a slightly big black t-shirt which was just perfect she also wore a blue jean jacket and black head warmer. Then she puts on a pair of black nike sneakers. They enter into lees car and she puts on some music (worth it) they shake thier heads all the way to the venue.

They both arrive at the place, it was a huge house, it had nice brown paint and different colour designs on it, there was music coming from inside. When they got in they saw everyone already in there. The ground floor had two entrances and the second floor also had two doors leading to the first balcony as every floor had it's very own.

There were some seats  so alex headed towards them as she is about to sit she sees amy, smiling widely and walking towards her. "Amy. Wow, how are you? It's been ages..." "yes it has" amy said as she hugged Alex. "It's been what? a year??" Amy asked "y-yeah... two years actually..." "oh well... time flies amy said. "Yup it does" alex replied "so where's lee" amy asked. "Probably catching up with some of her old friends" alex said. Just then lee came "heyy amy" "hi lee. Was just asking of you" "okay..." lee said. "Well enjoy the party" amy says as she walks away. "You okay?" Lee asked alex "yeah, i am" alex said, "Okay". The house started getting filled up and alot of people were dancing.
Alex looks at her hands and feels they are kind of cold so she holds lee's since they are warm, lee is used to this so she dosn't flinch. Lee sees some of her friends dancing  and they call out to her. She tries to make alex join her but alex wont budge. So alex sits there alone for a while till some creep tries to sit next to her. She gets up to go take some air.
(I'll take it from here author)
I felt so uncomfortable in there i decided to go take some fresh air. I walked to the end of the room to the stairs and i made it up to the second floor. Some people were also there talking and stuff. i walked to the balcony. took in a deep breath, and let it all out. I felt so tired i placed my hand on the pavement it was smooth.
I started moving as my fingers were sliding on the smooth surface.
she was about 10 feet away from the second door. Her mind so fixed on the smooth pavement. She had reached the second door and was about to enter it, but she fails to see that someone is coming out of the room and they almost colide "Oh I'm sorry" the stranger said as he helped her gain balance "its okay she said smiling it's my fault" the stranger staring lost at seeing her smile contracts it and smiles back shyly as he walks away.
she regains her composure and walks back to the party downstairs. Still wondering who the stranger with the nice smile was.
She heads to the bar and asks for some non-alchoholic wine, she pays and heads to her seat. Lee appears just as she sits. "We'll soon leave here" lee says "but first we have to take a group pic". "Indeed" amy said from behind. "It's a reunion after all". alex, lee, and amy step out of the building along with some friends of lee who alex didn't bother to look at. As she felt weak, Then alex saw lee talking to someone but she again was too tired to to over and see who it was after lee finishs talking she turnes around and askes "ready for the photo?", "sure" alex said staring at her shoes, "you seem a bit off' lee said, "nah..." alex replies as she sipps her wine and goes to a nearby wall which has the decorations, lee takes out her phone then calls out to her friends including amy to join the photo, alex is no longer quiet and sober the wine seems to have a cheer-upper inside of it, she stands appropriately adjusting her hair for the picture, and produces a smile but just then she feels someone beside her, she dosn't know who it is but when at first she felt the person's presence she experienced an unexplainable feeling of warmth and comfort, sort of like a spark. And she could almost swear that it was someone she has known for a very long time, she didn't move so the picture wouldn't be ruined. after the picture is taken the aura is still there, so she turns to see who it is but just as she does the person walks away.
She was about to call out to the person before lee pulled her wrist and said "time to go".
all she saw was a guy with a light peach-coloured shirt and some nice shoes she wonders who it is.

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