Chapter Seventeen

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"Baby can you pass me my chain on the night stand?"

I continued to scroll on my phone like I didn't hear him.

"You still on this petty shit." He tried to whisper under his breath.

"And you still on this lying shit so we even."

"Man whatever I'm not about to keep going back and forth with you." He said as he put his chain on.

"Okay then don't. I don't even know why you talking to me."

"Whatever I'll be back. I'm going to my momma's house."

"Mhmm I'll be checking find friend & find iPhone so I can see where you really be at."

He looked back at me then shook his head and walked out the bedroom.

"Man whatever."

"Clown!" I yelled out soon as he left out and slammed the door.

"Wait so what makes you think he's cheating?" Tiffany asked me as we were walking around in the mall.

"Yesterday he said he was going to help Algee move in his new house and last night when he came in I asked him did they finish and his response was huh. So I asked him again and this time I got baby what are you talking about. So if I ask you a question and you say huh and I ask you again and you ask me what am I talking about you're lying and you were not where you was supposed to be. So that has me thinking that you're cheating."

"But that doesn't mean he's cheating maybe he didn't hear you the first time and second time."

"Well i'ma need him to buy some hearing aids because he is not about to play me."

"I don't think he's trying to play you maybe you're just overreacting."

"Oh no baby this is not overreacting. Overreacting is me going into my Angela Bassett & Left Eye mood and burning & bleaching everything he owns." I said looking at a pair of jeans.

"Nah boo that's not overreacting that's just plain crazy." She said as we both laughed.

"Hey momma, how you liking your new home down here?"

"Hey baby and I love it, I'm not too far away from you & my daughter in law. Now I can hang out with my friends, Amy & Shellie. I forgot they was down here."

"Oh yeah, where you see them at?"

"Yesterday at the nail salon as Mya & I were getting manicures & pedicures."

"Oh okay that's nice." I said going to the kitchen to get something to drink.

"Where's my daughter in law? I thought you was going to bring her over here."

"I was but we got into a little argument and I didn't feel like dealing with her pettiness on the way over here."

"What did you do Lucas?"

"Nothing. I didn't do nothing."
She gave me that look that said boy I'm gon ask you one mo time.

"Okay look yesterday I told her I was going over to Algee's house to help him move into his new home, I did go over there & I was out with the guys but I didn't help him move in because he was already moved into his new home." Luke explained to his mom.

"Okay, so where were you?" Lisa said sitting down on the couch.

"Wish I could tell you momma but I can't." Luke said rubbing his hands down his face then putting his hands together and putting them by his lips.

"Luke if you were out doing wrong by that girl!"

"I WASN'T! Good lawd why is everyone thinking I'm cheating on her?"

"What do you expect when you're not telling us anything and if you raise your voice at me again we're going to have some problems. Last time I checked I was the momma and you were the child."

"Yes ma'am I'm sorry." Luke said with his head down.

"Now what is it that you're doing and you can't tell me."

"Momma can you just trust me? It's nothing bad, I just can't tell anyone right now."

"Alright you are my son and you haven't given me any reason not to trust you so I guess I can continue to trust you. But Luke I'm telling you now you better not be out doing wrong by that girl."

"I'm not momma trust me. I gotta go I'll talk to you later okay I love you." I said giving her a kiss on the cheek.

"I love you too baby and you be careful on that road." She said as she got up to hug me and walk me to the door.

"I love you too and I will."

I left her house and got in my truck headed to the studio across town. Hiding this surprise is going to be harder than I thought. I can't do nothing without people thinking I'm cheating. I wanna tell my mom shoot I even wanna tell Kim's friends but I want this to be a surprise. I don't need anybody to know and ruin anything. When I pulled up to the studio I sent Kim a text letting her know I was going to be at the studio and I probably won't get back in until midnight. She didn't respond to the text she just left me on read. I shook my head.

I went into the studio, locked the door and left all the lights off since it was just me in here and plus that's how I like it in here. I went to the back room where I be at and sat by the sound board and played a song over that I did, after listening to it I wanted to add something to it. So I went in the booth and recorded some more. As I was recording I got a text from Kim.

Bella 🌹: Baaaabyyyy can you hurry home please 😩 I miss you and I hate being alone. 😔😢

I chuckled and replied back to her.

Wolf 🐺: I miss you too ma, give me five to ten minutes and I'll be there. 😘

Bella 🌹: Okay 😚

I wrapped up the studio session so I could get home to my baby. We may have our disagreements here and there but Kimbella Aaliyah Martin will always and forever be my baby no matter what.
I don't know if I gave Kimbella a middle name, if I didn't her middle name is Aaliyah and if I did it's now changed to Aaliyah or it's her second middle name either or.

Once again I know it's short, a long chapter will be coming y'all way next chapter

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