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will you be my hand to hold?

on a cold winter night,

would you be the one to keep me warm?

will you be the one to take my heart?

and fix me up since im torn apart

and would you be willing,

to sooth my restless soul.

and kiss my heart and not my lips.

and fall in love with my mind, and not my hips.

and please dont lie,

I can see truth within your cold deadened eyes,

but i'll liven them up, as you put life into me.

we can drink warm cups of coffee,

and get high from the steam.

or we could sing.

with your arms around me,

and let our voices melt together in beautiful harmony,



babe you're all i'll ever need

or we can take a shower,

you can use your fingers to trace my broken skin,

and get between the cracks and creases,

to become one with me.

no sexual needs,

let our hearts become familar,

and they will beat together.

just to be together,

in our own little world.

then we can lie down,

in clean sheets,

and listen to the sounds,

of crickets and rain,

and we could stay there forever.

In eachothers embrace.
I will wait for you.

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