Eighth Twine : The Farewell

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After the king and his army left, the palace's atmosphere got even worse. The Queen went to her room, too worried to do anything. Liz always thought that Queen Madelyn was the strong type, but even the strong Queen couldn't bear the thought of losing her husbands and sons in a war. Princess Hellen also tried to be strong, but it visible in her eyes that she too, thinking the same thing as her mother. Liz didn't want to admit it but sometimes she cried in her bed, thinking the same thing.

This is a war that impossible to win.

But they couldn't show it, for the people, for the hope. They couldn't say it, even when other people saying it. That's why even their goodbye couldn't be too much. The Royal Family had to show that they have hope, so the people would have it too. Sadly, that's what destroyed the Queen and the Princess' feeling. Their possibly last goodbye couldn't be properly done like they wanted it to be.

Although the thought of losing Leo, Will and Ken also haunted Liz; especially Ken since their goodbye was not a goodbye at all, that didn't made her stayed still in her room.

There must be something she could do.

She wanted to help, with anything, and at the same time, distracting her mind. If she stayed still in her room, only bad thoughts came to her mind, and Liz didn't want that. So she started to study again, in the library, or with Eleanor, doing anything to make herself busy.

Three days since the army left, one of the council member of Fellenan Kingdom came to her in the library. He's an old man, and Liz knew him personally since he once taught her about the internal politic of Fellenan.

"Lady Alicia." He curtsied.

"Lord Jeremy."

The old man looked troubled, "Can you help us?"

Without any useless chit chat like usual, Jeremy went straight to the things he wanted to discuss, and Liz already got used to that.

"What can I help you with?"

"The government."

Liz raised her eyebrows. She's not officially Leo's wife, not even his fiancée. She didn't have the right to meddle with the council, which now supposed to be lead by the Queen, or Hellen. According the rules, Liz, who's not officially become a part of the royal family, couldn't do that, even if she's the next king's Bashert match.

"But, I can't.."

Jeremy sighed. "We need a leader. Both the Queen and Princess Hellena.... are not in the condition to do it." Everyone in the palace knew about how the Queen and the Princess stayed in their own room, and no one blamed them. "That's why we asked you, Lady Alicia, as Prince Leo's partner."

"What about the other council members?"

He shook his head. "We all are only old men, we have knowledge but that's not enough." Jeremy stopped for a while, finding the right words to convince Liz. "All the strong men were outside the kingdom, leaving only kids, women and old men here. I've been watching you, and you managed well to stay calm among this mess. I think it's alright if you step in, Lady."


"This kingdom needs you."

She didn't answer right away, and that's why Jeremy added more. "I'll help and guide you. Nothing to worry, it will be alright."

Seeing that it's impossible for her to refuse right now, Liz had to find a way at least just to avoid answering. It's not about she didn't want to help, but this was a big thing, and she didn't think she was ready, or worthy.

"I.." Liz realized her voice faltered. The lady coughed a few times to clear her voice before continuing. "I need time to think about it. I have to ask the Queen as well."

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