Psycho :Chapter 28

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Neither of us said a word as we jumped out of the car, holding our guns up and heading inside. Both of us were ready for whatever was coming and, I trusted Emma to have my back and, she trusted me. My heart thundered loudly in my chest as we walked through the main chapel. Every small noise had us on edge. However, I didn't jump when Emma's phone rang, nearly pointed my gun around, waiting for the killer to jump out. 

"Hey." She said. 

"What's going on, I got your text?" Kieran's voice flowed over the speaker and I felt a small tingle of relief flood through me. 

"He's got Audrey and, possibly Hayden." Emma said. 

"Jesus, where are you?" He asked. Emma looked up to me and I shook my head. 

Don't. I mouthed. 

"I can't tell you that. We're not going to let anyone else die because of us." She said. I nodded my head, my heart breaking. 

"Whatever you two are doing, you don't have to do it alone." He pleaded. 

"We do. I'm sorry but, we do." Her phone beeped, indicating another call. "This ends now, with us." She looked to me. 

"I've got your back." I whispered. 

"I love you." She said into the phone. Just as she went to hang up, Kieran's voice vibrated through again. 

"Wait, Emma! I love you too." He replied. I thought of Noah as a sad smile lit Emma's face as she lowered the phone, hanging up and opening the other call. 

"I've been waiting a long time for this. I can almost taste it." The killer said menacingly over the phone. 

"Then why are you hiding?" Emma taunted. 

"Why don't you get your sorry ass out here and face us!" I screamed spinning around. "Come and get us you fucker!" He chuckled over the phone. 

"Don't seem so enthusiastic, Vex. I've got a special surprise for you." He said. 

"Why did you bring us here?" Emma asked. 

"Cause this is where Piper grew up. What forged her." He hissed. 

"Did you love, Piper? Is that what this is about?" Emma asked, trying to lure him to release his temper. To come out. 

"Love? To kill with someone, now that's a real bond, isn't it? You know, you both killed with Audrey What did that feel like?" He asked. 

"We had no choice. We had to kill her." Emma replied. 

"And I'd do it again you asshole." I spat. 

"You thought killing her made you safe? You'll never feel safe again! Never!" I followed Emma closely as we looked around, right under a stairwell. 

"Audrey?" We both called. 

"Audrey can you hear me?" Emma called up the stairs. From around the corner, he jumped out, swinging at Emma and I and catching Emma in the arm. I held up my gun, firing it as he ran up the stairs, Emma joining me in shooting at him. 

"Come on!" I said, pulling her to her feet and rushing after him. We flung ourselves into the hall, our backs together as we held our guns high, ready for him. 

"Whatever happens, we don't split up." I said. 

"Agreed." Emma replied as we made our way down the hall, pushing on every door until we made it to the last one at the end. Lights flicked on and there, in the middle of the room was a chair. Emma quickly made her way over but, something caught my eye. On a bed, there was a figure, covered by a sheet, just like whoever was in the chair. I made my way over there, my heart dropping in my chest. 

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