Monster :Chapter 22

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As the lights shut off, I screamed out, lunging forward once more, trying to end this once and for all. 

"I'll kill you!" I shouted. 

"Vex, stop!" The voice pleaded in the dark. For a single moment, I paused, listening. The voice was familiar. "Vex, it's me." The voice was rough. "It's Emma." As he lights flickered on, I looked down to see Emma clutching her side, blood staining her white tank top. 

"Emma?" I gasped. The knife slipped from my fingers, clattering to the ground. Somewhere outside, I could hear sirens wailing, coming closer by the second. "No, no, no, no." I whispered, dropping down beside her. Pulling my black T over my head, leaving me in my black tank, I quickly bunched the shirt together, pressing it against the wound. "I'm so-" I tried, but the words wouldn't leave my mouth. My throat clenched uncomfortably and I felt my breathing begin to become uneven. 

"Vex, calm down. I'm going to be okay." Emma said, though, as she winced, I saw just how much pain she was in. 

"I did this. This is what he wanted. He- I-" I was just like him. A monster. This is what he wanted and now, Emma might die because of me. 

"No, Vex--" She tried. I pressed the shirt tighter to her wound, trying to stop the bleeding. 

"I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry." I sobbed. From outside, the wailing of the sirens was at it's end. Voices and shouts rang up the steps to the front doors and then they opened. Light streamed in from the end of the police's flashlights. Loud voices roared to check every corner. The sheriff caught my eye and immediately rushed over. 

"Emma!" He exclaimed. Reaching up, he grabbed his radio, pressing a button. "I need an ambulance immediately." He yelled into it before looking to me. "How did this happen?" He asked. Emma opened her mouth to speak but, before she could, I looked into his eyes and told him the truth. 

"It was me. I stabbed her." 


Emma had tried to stop them but, I wouldn't let her. I let them put the cuffs around my wrists and lead me to the back of one of the squad cars, taking me into custody. They wanted to give me some kind of decent accommodation but I had refused, simply stating that a jail cell was the best choice. So, that's where they put me. Hours passed and, at one point, I was able to fall asleep...only to wake up in a puddle of my own sweat, tears streaming down my cheeks. After that, I didn't dare close my eyes. I simply stared at the clock as hour after hour passed. 

Eventually, I heard shouting outside the door to the two cells. A lady was screaming that they had to let me go but, I could hear the officer saying that they couldn't release me until I had been questioned. Noel. I recognized her voice. She yelled that I was her little sister and like hell was she leaving without me. The officer must have been very convincing because, eventually, the yelling stopped. All sound stopped and I was left in the quiet bleakness of the cell. 

Finally, after nearly 36 hours had passed, the door to the cells opened, revealing Sheriff Acosta. He had a small smile on his face as he strode over, unlocking the cell door.

"I have someone who would like to talk to you. To ask you a few questions. Then you'll be free to go." He said gently. I shot him a puzzled look.

"Free to go? I nearly killed Emma!" I exclaimed. I curled into a ball on the small cot, shaking my head. "I won't leave." Sheriff Acosta stepped into the cell, sighing a little as he came over, sitting on the edge of the cot. 

"You did it out of fear. You had no idea it was Emma." I shook my head. 

"I still attacked her, just like I attacked that other girl." I shouted. Looking away, I closed my eyes, feeling the tears rush back again. "I'm a monster." I whispered. His warm hand came to rest on top of mine. As I glanced over at him, I saw his sad eyes gazing at me in concern. 

"Vex, you're not a monster. The only monster is the murderer. What you did, you did out of fear. Emma has already forgiven you. She is the one I'm taking you to. She wants to talk." He said softly. "I promise you, this is all going to workout. You're going to get help." I closed my eyes once more, nodding my head. 

"Take me to her." I whispered. His hand in mine, Sheriff Acosta helped me to my feet, leading my out of my cell and into the precinct. Down the hallway and into the interogation room, he lead me through the doors where Emma sat, a small smile on her face. 

"Hey Vex." She whispered. I gave her a fleeting smile, unable to look her in the eyes as I took a seat across from her. 

"I'll be right outside. You girls take your time." As soon as the sheriff left the room, Emma stood up, walking over to me and giving me a gently hug, holding her side away from me as she did. 

"Sorry, I'm still in some pain." She said calmly, retaking her seat. I nodded my head in understanding, my eyes shifting around the room. 

"He said you wanted to talk to me?" I asked. Emma bobbed her head. 

"I wanted to see if you were alright. After what happened, there has got to be a million things going on in your head." I chuckled darkly, finally able to look up at her. 

"I should be asking you the same." Emma smiled, rolling her eyes. 

"It was only a scratch. You stab like a wimp." Though she tried to lighten the mood, it felt like a punch to the gut. I had done that. I had hurt her. 

"This is exactly what he wanted." I murmured. "For me to be the monster." Emma reached across the table, holding out her hand. 

"You aren't a monster Vex. You were scared. Hell, we both were. But you especially. With everything going on, you did the only thing you knew, you defended yourself. That doesn't make you a monster, that makes you smart." I shook my head, biting my lip hard enough to draw blood. 

"Not when I wanted it." I said. Surprise fluttered over Emma's face. 

"What do you mean?" She asked. Closing my eyes, I took a deep breath, licking the blood off my lips. 

"When I went to the alley, I was trying to draw the killer. I was trying to get him to follow me. I wanted it to end, whether with his death or mine." I locked eyes with her now, letting the truth spill over my lips. "I wanted to kill him. Because of that, I felt every ounce of anger boil over inside of me and, when I stabbed you, I was prepared to finish the job. I needed the release." I whispered. 

"Why? Why go to such extreme measures? Why not wait for us?" She asked gently. 

"Because, I needed him to pay. A life for a life. He killed Noah, therefore, he would pay for that." I said bitterly. Emma's eyes widened, her mouth parting in surprise. 

"Vex, Noah isn't dead." She said. "I tried to get ahold of you, I even called Wes's phone but you didn't answer. He's at the hospital now. Audrey called only a few minutes ago to say that he was fine and, that he was worried about you. You went to kill him because you thought Noah was dead?" She asked. Her words seemed to fade however as the single sentence rang through my head. Noah isn't dead. I don't remember when I started screaming, or when the cops came in and had to restrain me. I don't remember why I went into such a frenzy. All I remember are those words.

Noah isn't dead. 


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