Hold My Own :Chapter 8

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Ms. Lang had led Emma and I to separate rooms, leaving me alone with my thoughts, something I really didn't want. Haley had been right, I nearly killed her in there. The worst part, I wanted to kill her. My anger had finally been released and, I was taking it out on her. So, I did the only thing that came to mind. Reaching up to my hair, I pulled one of the bobby pins out.


Sneaking through the halls of Lakewood high wasn't something new to me. Sneaking through the halls with police everywhere, definitely new. I nearly got caught a few times, my attention definitely elsewhere. At one point, I didn't think I'd make it...until I did. 

Bursting into the learning center through the emergency exit, I was immediately met with gasps from those who heard the door open. In front of me, my friends each looked up, looking equally shocked as to why I was there. 

"Yo hola." I said, walking over and taking a seat at the table. 

"You can't be here." A voice said. Glancing over, I caught Haley's death glare from across the room. Smirking, I flipped her my finger.

"I can be where I damn well please. Try to stop me." She didn't reply after that, instead, turned back to her little clique, probably to talk shit. I wasn't caring much, I was somewhere where I could ignore my thoughts and, focus on better things. 

"Glad you're-" Stavo began. Looking over towards the shelves, he suddenly lifted his hand, making a fake gun before shooting it off. Smiling, I followed the direction, catching Audrey's eyes.

"What the hell?" I asked him. He shrugged.

"She's been giving me death glares all day, I'm not really sure what's going on." Beside Stavo, Hayden chuckled. 

"She probably thinks you're the murder, Stav." She said. I chuckled.

"I can already see the headlines." I began. "'Sheriff Acosta's son: Crazy Murderer.' I think it would sell." I joked. Rolling his eyes, Stavo looked back down at his IPad, continuing to draw. 

"You two are hilarious, really." He mocked. 

"You, Stavo, what arre you drawing?" A voice suddenly broke our light chat. Glancing up, I watched Audrey emerge from behind the book shelves, Noah in coming out a few steps behind.

"Don't worry about it." Stavo replied coolly.

"Oh come on, you're staring at us all the time. I'd love to see what we inspire in you." I stood from my seat, holding out a hand. 

"Audrey, back off." I said. She glanced at me, only to look down at Stavo's IPad. In a flash, she grabbed it, pulling it away. 

"Hey! Give that back!" Stavo exclaimed, standing from his seat and following after Audrey. 

"What the hell is wrong with you?" She yelled. All eyes were on her and Stavo. Pushing away from the table, I went to block Audrey. Arms shot out, grabbing Stavo as Audrey made a scene. 

"Audrey, stop! It's not what you think!" I shouted, but she wasn't listening. 

"What is it not?" She asked. "You want me to show everybody what you think it's not?" She held up the IPad, showing a clear picture of me lying on the ground with a knife in my head. When he had first started, he had shown it to me and, I had told him that it was cool. "He's drawing you Vex and, your trying to stand up for him!" She shouted. 

"Oh my god, you sicko." Haley commented. 

"Look-" Stavo began. "They're just drawings so give it back-" He tried to lunge for the IPad, but a few guys grabbed ahold of him. I knew where this was going, pushing past Audrey, I headed over, ignoring the comments as I pulled people away.

"Stavo!" I screamed, pulling away one of the guys beating him. I could hear his grunts as they beat him. "Get away from him!" Suddenly, a fist flew, connecting hard with my jaw. A sharp crack of pain burst through my head as I fell back, hitting the ground hard. I felt another jab in my rib as someone kicked me. Another in my leg. 

"Get off of her!" Someone shouted.

"Break it up! Break it up!" Another voice shouted. Slowly, the kicking stopped as well as the shouting. Before I knew it, I was being lifted up, my head resting on their shoulder. Looking over, I saw that is was a panicked Noah, his eyes alight with worry.

"God, are you okay? I saw you go down, I saw them kick you, I-" Smiling, I shrugged.

"I've been through a hell of a lot worse, Foster." Chuckling, he shook his head before hugging me to his side. I may not have him in the way I want him, but this was good as well, I couldn't deny that. Noah was someone that I didn't know if I'd ever get over and, I would take the small wins, like this, any day. 

"Emma?" He suddenly said. 


The lock down was finally over and, Noah drove me home. It was a quite ride, especially since we all couldn't really believe what had happened. Audrey had offered to drive me, but, I really couldn't deal with her at the moment and, I guess Noah picked up on that.

"Listen, I have Audrey's phone and, I think I want you to come with me to check it out." He said. Glancing over, I groaned.

"Why Noah?" I asked. He looked down at the steering wheel, his expression growing somber. 

"I think she's been hiding things from us, huge things. While you were getting your stuff, I was trying to unlock it. I was waiting for you, thought I'd pass the time and..." I was interested now, usually, Noah was excited about things he'd uncovered but, now, there was a scared look in his eyes.

"What did you find Noah?" Sighing, he kept his eyes on the road as he spoke. 

"I found Jake. I found Jake but, I also found Audrey...standing over Jake's dead body. She was- she was collecting something off his body. She knew he was dead long before any of us did." 


Episode 5 Complete and, I finally figured out how to deal with Zoey and Noah while letting Nex live on!!!

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