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Your blue is very worried about you for some reason. You would think that he'd understand that you would be acting far worse if this sword embedded in your chest were to harm you. You would be light headed and weak, you would barely be able to move with this amount of blood loss, and for some reason, that doesn't affect you. The blood that pours out of your chest and head doesn't even make you enervate at all and you don't know why. Normal people would pass out and be dead already so why aren't you? Surely you were once a person... right..? Yes, of course you were don't be stupid, they just mutilated you beyond recognition.

Your blue still has his hands locked onto your forearms and you'd be lying if you said it didn't feel nice. This is the first time anyone has touched you without trying to hurt you since.... forever, or as long as you can remember at least. Sure his hand may be a little cold due to the weather, but it is definitely warmer than you.

He looks like he just saw a ghost, face pale and mouth slacking, making you feel a twinge of guilt for being the cause. You're sad that you're causing him distress, you only want him to be happy and jocular, not stressed out and fearful. You can't look him in the eyes, you feel too guilty enough as it is and you know the fear in his eyes will only make it worse.

You gently tug against his grip, testing to see if he'll let you go. Any possibilities of him letting go of your arms is futile. His fingers did feel as if they were loosely holding onto you, but your small tug has made them constrict around your bony arms.

"..Please let g-"

"How long has it been there..?" He says, cutting you off in a croaky voice. You feel his hands tremble around your arm as his body visibly shakes. Oh dear. You feel sick. The guilt is too much for you to handle and it's causing your stomach to sink all the way to the ground. Should you tell him the truth? Should you lie? Should you try to scare him away? No... you can't even look him in the eyes, so what makes you think that you can scare him?

"...Forever.." You say, hoping that this is a good enough answer. There's a pause. A long pause. The silence is heavy and feels suffocating, as if it's a hundred pound blanket slowly—but surely—wrapping around you. You're puffing out steamy breaths that causes the inside of your mask to condense and fog up the tinted glass. Despite how cold your body seems, you feel as if you're going to pass out from heat exhaustion.

"How long is forever.?" He asks, voice still unsteady and weak. You hate the way he sounds, especially because you're the reason why he sounds like that. It just makes you want to slam your head into your tree 100,000 times.

You don't exactly know how to answer that question. You don't remember the units of time and you've had this damned sword in your chest for most of your pathetic life. The only time that you hadn't had the sword there, was the first many days of you being at that facili-



You can't think about it. You can't think about it. You can't think about it. You can't think about it. You can't think about it. You can't think about it. You can't think about it. You can't think about it. You can't think about it. You can't think about it. You can't think about it. You can't think about it. You can't think about it. You can't think-

You feel your blue's hands release your arms quickly, as if you had burned them. You were about to ponder why he suddenly had a change of heart before you feel your body violently tremble at the thought of that.... place.... There's a painful sensation in your head that feels like someone is hitting you in the head with a sledgehammer. It makes you pull at you inky hair that lies under the crow, earning you a small squeak from that damned bird. You manage to calm most of the violent shaking but not all of it. The headache is getting progressively worse and your shuddering body isn't helping at all.

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