Monster In The Tree

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It's been a long time since you last saw your blue. You would say it's been a few months but you're not sure if that's the one that has seven in it... seven what? Years? Weeks? Hours? You can't remember. You only remember days and that's because you have help with the night, although you may get mixed up with them sometimes. Needless to say, it's been many days since your blue came around and even though you're very upset, you're a little happy that he hasn't. The leaves on the trees are falling and soon enough you'll have no protection against the icy winds, even if the leaves only provided very little, they still helped.

So for the past many days you've been building a nest to not only keep yourself warm, but to also hide you whenever your blue comes back(if he even does come back). You want your nest to be an enclosed dome so it can shield you from all sides and protect you from the rain as well. With the extremely cold weather coming up, the wet rain could possibly make you sick and even assist in your death(if only).

So far, your nest looks like any common bird nest that anyone could find in a tree, although the sides are a little bit higher up. You're sure if you laid down flat in your nest then you could hide from your blue if he ever decides to give you a surprise visit.

You would like to say that your nest is coming along nicely. The materials that you picked so far are working great and are actually holding up, who knew that gathering a bunch of branches and slapping mud on them would make a nice average nest. Now, you haven't forgotten about your prizes. You prizes are still in the hole that you hid them in but now it's covered with your nest, making them harder to find for any potential thief. You would like to say you're proud of yourself for this amazing nest, but you're missing something. You're missing some important material that would be more than beneficial for you and that's cloth.
You need cloth to help insulate your potential dome nest but you, unfortunately, don't own any cloth(except for your clothes of course). Although you do know a place where you can grab some cloth and use that without stealing it from someone.

You are currently coming back from said place with a bundle of stiff and moldy cloth in your arms. You would've waited in the house to watch for your blue but you decided against it; you may deeply admire your blue but your nest is more important at the moment! Although, you did snatch a purple scarf and green sweater only for its color.

You let out a sigh once you reach your unfinished nest and climb up the tree, digging your taloned hand deep into the tree. You would normally fly up into your tree but due to the cold weather it makes your wings hurt even more whenever you'd use them, it would hurt if you even ruffled them or tried to preen them.

You reach your nest and plop down in the middle of it, sitting with your legs crossed. Some of the old ruined cloth would crumpled and turn to dust if you applied too much pressure on it, so you had to be careful when stuffing said cloth into some open crevices of your nest. You use all the cloth that you've gathered except for the scarf and sweater; items with your comfort colors were to be cherished and treated as if they were as fragile as thin ice. You decide that you'll use the purple scarf and green sweater as a makeshift blanket and try to cover yourself up with it whenever nights get too cold.

After a moment of stuffing old cloth into the walls in your nest, you nod at yourself for your small accomplishment and decide to gather more sticks and some mud to at lest try and build onto your nest today. No point in wasting time when the days get colder.


"Rose I'm telling you, the marks on that tree wasn't from a bear!" You whine, turning around to face your close friend Rose. This has been the third time you've brung the weird creepy tree up to Rose and each time you get even more skeptical with her reassuring words of believing you.

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