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You've been thinking about staying in the abandoned home for a while, well, until it gets warmer in temperature that is. You wouldn't want to stay in that house forever you could say. However, the house has walls that can shield you from the icy winds, and there's even left over clothing, cloths, and plushes that the people from before had left. Although they're all filthy due to other animals and bacterial germs infecting them, you're sure they're pretty warm to curl up in(you don't really care about the filth). The house may even have insulation so that's a big plus, but an even bigger plus is that it has a dresser that you can put all your prizes in! Although, you'd have to dump out some of the old, moldy clothing from it, but it would be worth it. However, there is a con, this con being the main reason as to why this entire idea will never become a reality.

It's across the street from the school and you would have 'neighbors' which would make you even easier to be revealed by humanity. Not only would your 'neighbors' suspect that something is living in that creepy old abandoned house that's next to them, some children would dare enter the house to discover the new monster across the street. You're positive that your presence would make an impression. The sound of the next door house opening and closing its windows and doors late at night would surely raise suspicion due to the loud, creaky noises that would emerge from those openings. It doesn't help that it's falling apart either, one wrong step or touch could make a wall or floor cave in. Now, you would go and stay in the basement, but the door that leads to it is chained up with a lock. You know you could tear through those chains easily, but it would make too much noise and cause suspicion.

If only there were no neighbors, impenetrable doors, and only one window open. That would be perfect.

It really suck though because you would be able to watch the school light up and flood with people. It has the perfect view and nobody even notices this place. What a waste.

You pout about this unfair outcome as you crouch and peer out of the window in said house. The only way that you could get into this place is by the broken window on the other side of the room. You remember throwing the rock at the second story window and fleeing immediately afterwards, avoiding the place for what you think was two weeks. After that you've been forced to enter through the window ever since. Luckily, due to the overgrown plants, you're able to slip in easily with the help of a tree covered with layers of araujia sericifera.

You're getting impatient now, the school was supposed to release everyone around this time(you think), so why isn't anyone coming into view? You silently groan and roll you head, shaking it a little to ruffle the feathers of the crow attached to your head. This earns you a little caw that you quickly shush with your hand due to paranoia of being heard. The crow flutters it's wings rapidly and hits you in the face, knocking you back with surprise, but not enough to make you fall on your rump. You would let this asshole calm down on his own time but he could raise suspicion with the noice, plus you know that he won't because he's just that big of a prick, so you take his wings and force them shut. You notice that some of his feathers had fallen off whenever he had his little outburst and choose the examine them out of boredom. Just like you excepted, tattered and unkempt with a chipped calamus. You discard of the dull feather and peer out the tinted and dirtied window. You and the crow have been loosing feathers lately whenever any of you ruffle your wings and it's kinda worrying you. Although your feathers aren't as bad as his, you fear that he has a sickness and that his sickness might infect you. You've been trying your best to preen your feathers more often but the thought always slips your mind, making your wings look like a ruffled mess.

You decide to preen yourself to pass the time and get get it over with. You take one of your blackened wings and examine it before you get to work, looking at the long disheveled feathers.

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