Chapter 22

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Pippa's POV

"Whyyy?? Why does it have to be truth or dare? We know what the topic is going to be anyway--"

"Exactly. How else are we supposed to figure out where you and Lin are at?" Jasmine says, innocently.

"Duh, maybe I would tell you? Would we even be friends if I didn't?" Jasmine chucks a pillow at me, causing to my hair to fly around and become infused with static. I scrunch up my face as I try relentlessly to smooth it down, with no prevail.

"We are friends. That is a statement," Jasmine says with her chin up.

"Okay okay, I know that. I'm just saying, even though I'm the youngest--" I get interrupted by Renee

"Correction, the baby," she says, grinning.

"No, not the baby. I am 1 year younger!!! Not even that! It's only 10 months!--"

"And 10 days." Jasmine corrects again, smiling as she does so.

"That barely counts. Anyway, I may be the youngest but you can still trust me. We're still basically sisters..."

"Good," Jasmine says. "Now, spill. Where are you and Lin at in your relationship? What does he think about you guys? What does Sebastian think of you guys? How do you feel when you are around him?--"

"This is what I'm supposed to answer?!" I say in shock. I was not expecting these, no offense, odd and personal questions. I sigh and begin. "Okay, for the first question, we are dating thanks to you guys cuz you came and were all up 'n arms about us not being official. So I guess I have you to thank for that. And then we have our date tomorrow night so that will be exciting!"

"I am soo excited for you guys. I don't even care that it isn't my relationship and I don't care that this might be creepy and I don't care that I'm going too far. It is soo fun hearing about you guys and your personal life and relationship. AHH its great. Sorry," Renee says, "so you were saying?" The three of us laugh a little and I continue talking.

"Ummm oh, what does Lin think about us. Actually, you would have to ask him. I feel like he is happy... I would hope.. But, at least I know that I am happy where we are and stuff. It is really nice and we are moving slowly which is also good. I don't want it to end though when we go to the Super Bowl... so that will be unfortunate. We have already agreed to call or at least text every night at the sameee timmeee," I sing the last phrase, repeating what Chris and Mandy sing from In the Heights.

"Your voice sounds beautiful," Lin says. All three of us whip our heads towards the counter where he is pouring a couple beers into fancy glasses for him and Anthony. I blush.

"thanks.. Please don't spill those, Lin. I know how you can get a little.. rowdy sometimes. No offense." I add on quickly. He laughs and scrunches up his eyebrows (ya know?? like he does that whenever he laughs).

"Of course, and I won't. Goodnight ladies, good night Pippa," he says. Lin leaves for a couple seconds to return the drinks to the fort but comes out again and subtly (but not really subtly) motions me towards the hallway.

"I will be right back you guys, sorry."

"Nah, it's fine girl. Take. Your. Time." Jasmine says in a voice that makes Renee laugh. I just roll my eyes and smile. I get up and jog over to Lin. He grabs my wrist and slowly pulls me into Sebastian's room.

"What are you doing?!" I whisper shout. "He's sleeping."

"I know," Lin takes my hands and looks down apologetically. "I know, but I just wanted to say goodnight, without anyone else around. I don't mean that to sound mean but--"

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